The Cat That Got No Cream

Helo Tarran struggled with life on the streets of Fellsguard

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Helo Tarran »

The cat sat on a high wall, his green eyes looking over the building in front of him, and fixing on a window on the second floor. It was an easy leap.

Why not?


Padding around the house, the cat took in the scents of the humans who lived here, noticed the toys on the floor of one of the bedrooms he explored. They had younglings! It didn’t make the cat feel guilty, not one bit. If they could afford this fancy house, then they could afford a missing item, maybe even two?

Just as a cat does, he made his way on silent paws through the well decorated home, ears twitching from side to side continuously. If someone caught him, and for all his pride he had been caught before, he usually found that most people just thought some stray cat had wandered in and had put him back outside. No harm done.

But the house was quiet. Not silent. He could hear mice in the walls, and various creaks and groans of an old house in winter. After watching the man and woman, presumably the owners of this place, leave arm in arm, he figured he had time to try and find something decent to take. Not too valuable, as he no decent fence would have anything to do with him. He relied on horrible men and women who took much and gave little. But that was how he survived.

The kitchen was quite large, even for a house like this. A large pot was over a fire and the smell of meat filled his senses, making him realise just how hungry he was. Living off scraps and vermin was not ideal as far nutrition, and plus, they tasted awful.

The cat’s form blurred and in from a crouching position, rose the Helo Tarran in his Human-form.

Though Helo would be described as ‘handsome’, he was quite thin. His dark blonde hair was dirty, and his face was a little bruised, his lips chapped. He looked more like a street urchin than a young man in his prime. But his dark eyes still had a spark to them, and he smiled happily as he looked at the simmering stew that made his stomach rumble.

”Decent food!” He glanced around, grabbed a bowl, a ladle, a spoon, and leaned back against the wall as he tried not to inhale the hot stew. ”So good.” He breathed.


Helo had been on the streets for near a month now. He got by doing odd jobs, some legal, most not. He was a thief by nature so that’s what he did! Being a Changeling gave him an edge, so it was frustrating when he would return with valuable items that the fences he knew offered him coppers for when it was worth a handful of silver. The more reputable fences were always affiliated with one group or another (Helo was surprised at just how many of these groups, big and small, were all over this city).

Of course he had tried to join one of them. He had tried a few times. Once he had even ran with one, but they just turned out to be drunks and addicted to all manner of things. Whatever coin they got, it went on anything to get them out of their minds drunk or high. So he had struck out on his own.

It wasn’t great.


Putting the bowl down, he wiped his mouth on his sleeve and moved back up a few steps into the house proper. What could he steal? Silverware was always an easy bet, and the fences he knew always took them. Where might they be?

”Treasure, treasure … where are you hiding?”


Unlocking the backdoor of the house, Helo poked his head out to see if anyone was about. It was all very well being a Changeling to break into people’s homes, but as a regular sized cat, he could hardly lug around a bag full of silver cutlery! When he was sure there was no one about, he stepped out, closed the door, and headed off.

He had stashed his bag under some rubbish in an alley, and coming off the busy street and taking a few steps down said alley, he gritted his teeth as he saw two men rummaging through the very bag he had hidden. The bag that held all his worldly possessions, including his coin.

”Hey!” He shouted, gripping the cloth in which he had wrapped the spoils of his latest burglary. ”Get the fuck off my bag!”

The two men, much bigger than he (which wasn’t difficult), turned and gave him a dark look. “Get gone.” One of them spat, before turning back to the bag.

Helo’s hand tightened around his parcel and started running at the men. He couldn’t lose that bag! When he reached them, and as they turned, he swung the cloth full of cutlery at the closest man’s head, striking him hard in the temple.

The man cursed and stumbled slightly, while the other moved quickly to punch Helo in the gut, causing the Changeling to gasp and stumble back, winded.

“I’ll fucking kill you!” The man Helo had struck said, rubbing his head.

They used their fists at first, until he was on the ground and then the kicking commenced. Helo was gasping in pain, trying to figure out a way to get his bag and run. But he couldn’t, and with how they were going at him, the threat to his life seemed one they intended on seeing through.

In a blur, Helo shifted into his cat form. This put an abrupt halt to the kicking and stares. “Wizard!” One of them shouted, as Helo darted away, running back towards the open street, darting through the legs of a person walking by, and kept going until he reached another alley.

Pausing at the entrance, Cat-Helo stopped, ears forward, listening. There was nothing but the wind and the faint scratchings of vermin. He padded down the dirty alley to a dead end, resisting the urge to whine in pain.

When he reached the stone wall, he shifted back, slumping backwards and groaning. They seemed to have punched or kicked every part of his body. ”At least they didn’t go for my balls.” He said, humourlessly. Resting his head back, he closed his eyes and cursed the gods, the idols, and everyone else he could think of. ”A shitty day,” he said, to himself. ”In an endless row of shitty little days."

Well, at least it couldn’t get any worse ...
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit was fast getting used to the busy streets of Fellsguard. He had had to! People rarely moved for you, so he seemed to spend his time winding in and out of the folk passing by on whatever seemingly urgent business they were on.

For the mage, his particular business involved going to the market to buy herbs and spices for the cook. Not the most noble of quests, but Kit had been a copper piece "for a snack while you're down there" he had been told, and had happily accepted.

Being useful to those that were helping him was ever at the forefront of his mind. He was forbidden from using magic, so he had become an errand boy. Fetching this, cleaning that. It wasn't glamorous work, and it wasn't what he had envisaged when he had first stepped into the city, but he was fed well, and he no longer feared the sting of a switch on his back.

Kit held the warm pie in his hand as he walked, carrying a bag over his shoulder of the supplies he was to fetch. But as he passed the opening to a long alleyway, noise caught his ears, and he turned to see two men kicking at a man curled up on the floor. 'Walk away.' He told himself, but then ...

His eyes widened as the man's formed shimmered and changed, and as one of the men who had been doing the kicking shouted "Wizard!", a cat came streaking down, darted through his legs and began running down the street.

It was instinct, fear and curiosity that saw Kit racing after the cat, apologising over and over as he pushed past people, managing to keep the cat in sight when it turned and darted down another alley.

Kit came to a stop just outside of the alley's opening, breathing hard. He was still holding the pie!

It was perhaps a blessing that the people of the city paid little attention to someone as unremarkable as he, and no one bothered to stop and see what he was doing. So Kit peered round the corner, and watched as the cat reached the end of the alley, shimmered, and a human form was in it's place. Kit's heart beat faster in excitement. "Transfiguration!" He whispered to himself.

The poor man looked in a bad way. Kit had to help! This was a fellow mage in need, and what sort of person would he be if he just walked away, and pretended he never saw anything? 'A smart one, perhaps?' But he shook his head. This was a mage who needed help and besides, Kit had been wanting to meet another human mage since he had arrived. Now he could help the man and the man might help him. It was worth a shot.

He stepped into the alley and slowly walked down, being cautious and even a little nervous - okay, a lot nervous.

Kit hadn't gotten far when the man's head snapped up, locking eyes with him.

Raising his hands (one of them still holding the pie), he tried to show he wasn't a threat. "I saw what happened." He said. "I just wanted to help, is all. I'm like you, you see." He gave the man a reassuring smile. "I'm a mage too. Or a Wizard, whatever you want to call us." The man looked gaunt and dirty. Is this what happened to mages here? Was he some kind of renegade? He glanced at the meat pie, then held it down. Though he was hungry, this man looked like he was starving. "Take this. I'm Kit Heron."
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Helo Tarran »

Helo looked up as a young man approached him. In a very quick assessment, Helo could tell this person was no threat. He had a kind face and a genuine look of concern on his face. One had to quickly learn who to trust and who not to. As a rule, Helo trusted no one.

But when the lad said the words "I'm a mage too. Or a Wizard, whatever you want to call us.", the Changeling actually laughed, though it hurt his ribs to do so. "Mage?!" He shook his head. "I can assure you, boy, that I am no bloody mage." He pushed himself up, so he was sitting a little straighter.

The self-professed 'mage' - Kit Heron, he said his name was - was holding one hand up and with the other, holding out a pie, offering it to him. It looked delicious. It smelled delicious.

Very much doubting that this lone boy with no weapons and only about the same weight as Helo was now would be any kind of threat, he nodded. "A pie would be most welcome." He motioned for the boy to come closer, but could see the nerves in his eyes. "Don't worry. I'm hardly in the best shape to fight right now."

When Kit handed him the pie, Helo wasted no time in biting into it, making a groan of pleasure in the process. "Beautiful." He said, with a full mouth. "Sorry about the decor," he gave a short, humourless laugh as he motioned to the alleyway walls. "I wasn't expecting a mage today. Maybe you can come back next week when I host a banquet for the Lords of Fellsguard."

The boy seemed kindly, and he gave a small sigh. "I'm Helo."
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit looked confused. He was certain he had seen the man use magic to turn himself into an animal ... twice! "I though it was ... Transfiguration magic. A mage with the ability to turn themselves into other beings?" He thought for a moment. Illusion magic? No, because the man said he wasn't a mage. Kit looked up. "Are you ... are you a shape-shifter?" he asked, tentatively.

Kit had indeed been nervous of approaching the man, but when he pointed out what shape he was in, Kit realised he was being foolish. Also he had just offered the pie to him.

The mage watched as this strange person ate hungrily. He felt odd standing over him, discourteous almost. So he - reluctantly - took a seat on the dirty floor opposite him, grimacing slightly at the smell. It appeared people used this place as a place to relieve their bladders. Lovely.

When the man, Helo, made his joke about the 'decor', Kit actually laughed. "Maybe a rug would be nice?" he responded. "It's good to meet you, Helo. Sorry I didn't do anything back there. I'm not exactly ... skilled at using magic. I wouldn't have been much use." His eyes looked at Helo's bruised face, and the pained expression that flitted across it whenever he moved. "You probably need to see a healer." He pointed out. "There are places will help for free if you're ... well." Kit cleared his throat, feeling awkward. "If you don't have any money or, if you're ... without an abode ..."

'Abode?' He resisted sighing at how stupid that must have sounded.
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Helo Tarran »

"Changeling," Helo said, between bites. The stew had been nice, but this pie was something else. No doubt he'd probably eaten servant's food, which was never very good. He should have stole some food. Not that he would have been able to keep it after the fight, of course. "Lot's of kinds of folks can shape-shift, but me?" He swallowed the last of the pie. "I'm a purebred Changeling ... ouch ... fuck!" He clutched at his side when he moved. Had he broken a rib?

Helo found himself grinning as Kit returned the quip. "I'll ask around about the rug. I'm sure I can come up with something. I don't want to disappoint the nobility now, do I?"

Making himself more comfortable, Helo rested his head against the wall as Kit talked. The lad genuinely seemed to care, and wanted to help. It said a lot about him, it said that he was naive, that he hadn't been taught that you shouldn't follow strange men down alleys, that you shouldn't declare yourself as a wizard, no matter how sure you think you are of the response.

He gave a short laugh. "Abode?" He said, grinning at the boy's embarrassed look. He didn't want to mock the lad. "I heal fast. And I know where to go if I need help. And yes, I live on the streets and I'm a cat burglar ..." He cocked his head to the mage with a grin. "Get it? Because I can turn into a ... ha, never mind!" He reached out and offered his hand to Kit. "Thank you for the pie, kid. And for giving a shit. But I have survived this long, and worse beatings. I'll be fine. You should go on, now. And a word of advice. Unless you know someone very, very well, or are without a doubt sure that they are like you, stop telling people what you are." His face had taken on a serious look. "You're a good person. I can tell. Not too many like you in this city, so last thing it needs is to lose you because you were stupid and end up who-knows-where, got it?"

Helo figured he would rest a while and then head for the slums. He was in no fit state to do another run today, and there might be someone kind enough to tend to his cuts.
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit nodded his head as Helo gave his warning, but when the Changeling assured him he would 'be fine', Kit wasn't so naive as to buy it. The man was bruised, beaten, hungry and living on the streets.

"I'm sorry," He said, trying to put some firmness in his voice. "But you really don't look fine. You were just beaten up! And you ate that pie like you hadn't ever eaten anything before!" He scratched his temple. "I'm staying at a place where you might be able to, also. They took me in, right away, and have been very good to me. It's a Hall, sort of ... there's a lot going on, but Mister Black seems to be kind enough to take people who are in need." He thought for a second. "I have only just arrived, so I can't vouch for you or anything. But if you come and he sees you, and knows what you are, then I am sure he will find a place for you." He gave a shrug and a smile. "You'd certainly be a lot more useful to them than I am! I can't even do ... you know ... on the premises. That's a big rule there. But you're not a ... not like me, so that shouldn't be a problem."

He sat back, satisfied and smiling. "Plus. I would like us to be friends, Helo."

Kit meant it too. Helo did not seem like a bad person. Yes, he steals things, but he seemed to steal to survive, not to enrich himself. Plus, in a more curious sense, Kit wanted to understand Helo better. He was a Changeling! There were a thousand questions he wanted to ask, as all he knew he had gotten from books, which were almost exclusively not written by actual Changelings.

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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Helo Tarran »

Helo listened to the lad plead with him to go along to some kind of safe-house that he was staying at. Helo had been in a few of those, and ended up being robbed, or worse. But his head snapped up as Kit talked.

"Well?" He had asked, with a little conviction to his voice.

Helo's body tensed. "You live in under Artemis Black's roof?" He said, with a hint of steel in his voice. He sat up, and leaned in to look Kit straight in the eye. "Listen to me very carefully. If you are living under the care of Artemis Black, then my name can never pass your lips in that place, do you hear? For both our sake's ... especially yours. We are not on good terms, and I am putting that extremely lightly. I can survive on the streets, kid. You can't. And if he found out you had been helping me, in any way, he might throw you our on your little arse. Do we understand each other?"

Helo sat back and sighed. Just hearing that name brought back so many memories. Though he had only seen the man for a brief moment, he knew of him. Many did, in the city. But he knew him through Katarya.

He grimaced at even thinking of her name. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.

It was also odd that he felt sad. Kindness on the streets and in the slums was hard to come by. The lad was intelligent, bright, caring and friendly. He reminded him of the other kids he used to spend time with when he lived back in Ajteire; open and honest to the core. He would have actually liked to have been friends.

"You should go." He said, at last.
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Kit Heron »

A strong sense of unease fell over Kit as Helo spoke, especially with such intensity. There were so many questions here. It wouldn't have surprised Kit to know that people had heard of Mister Black; he ran a lively establishment and many greeted him warmly when they came to the East Hall. And maybe he did have people who didn't like him, and maybe even some business rivals, perhaps.

But a homeless Changeling who could turn into a house cat? Why in the world would they be enemies? To such an extent that Helo believed that if Kit even mentioned Helo's name, he'd be thrown out.

He sat very still for a moment, and did not leave. "Why?" He asked, after a moment. When Helo said nothing, Kit scooted closer to him. "You need to tell me! Either you did something horrible, or he did. I think I should know either way!" He shrugged. "And I did give you my lunch because you were hurt." Infuriatingly, Helo just shook his head. Kit rarely got angry, he wasn't even really angry now ... he was scared. "If I am in danger then I think I've at least earned the right to know it, and why!"

He sat back. "I'd tell you." He said. "I honestly would."
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Helo Tarran »

By nature, Helo was a good person. Yes he stole, yes he was a tad promiscuous, and yes he cheated at card games, but the Fae, Elves and others who had raised him, had raised him to be good.

When he looked at this young man, so earnest and innocent - if seemingly oblivious to the dangers all around him - it put a crack in the hard shell Helo had been constructing around himself in order to survive on the streets of Fellsguard. The boy had a quality that was infectious, almost. Pure? Probably not. But Kit seemed to have been the closest thing to that concept Helo had seen since he had arrived in Fellsguard. They had probably come for the same reason; adventure.

The difference between them was that Helo knew adventures were never simply tales of joy to be found in a children's book. They involved tragedy, hardship, and heartbreak.

He should keep his mouth closed. He shout shoo the boy away ... chase him off, if need be.

And yet ...

"Artemis Black is a legend to some, a friend to others, a saviour to a few ... and a dangerous enemy once you cross him." Helo rested his back against the wall, his hand pressing on his side to try and ease the steady, thrumming ache. "You ever heard the name 'Katarya Frost'? No? That's good. She's trouble, wrapped in a beautiful body. Well, not trouble ... chaos." He stopped for a moment as a vision of her came to his mind, laid in bed after they had made love ... well, for him it was love making. Who knows what it was for her. "She is or was a Witch, and the former lover of your Mister Black. She was quite something! Fearless, proud, arrogant ... she walked around Fellsguard as if she ruled the damned place. And yet, every day, she would take a bag, go to the slums and treat wounds, heal sicknesses, deliver babies. She was a riddle. I met her during that phase, when she still seemed to have it inside of her to want to do good, to help." He let out a quick sigh. He was feeling a little ... emotional.

"But that changed." Helo continued, as Kit sat in silence. "She became cold ... literally, though that's hard to explain. Kat was powerful, but she always wanted more. She betrayed Artemis Black, in a most terrible way. She took something from him, something deeply personal. It was an act that even shocked me, even though I should have seen it coming. She was a member of the Il Fana Kelbé - The White Hart tavern, run by a bunch of stuck up Elves who were more than just a group who ran a place to drink. They had this weird hierarchy, and she managed to get a foothold. A strong one. She used it to get more and more powerful. She did it by draining things. Magical objects, elements ... and people."

He wiped his face, wishing he had a drink right now. This felt like a conversation that warranted alcohol. "Despite all of that, I fell in love with her. I don't understand how; she might have even cast some kind of spell on me, I don't know. She vouched for me and I stayed at that tavern and helped her. I didn't even know what I was helping her with, I'm still not completely sure. All I know is she wanted to be so powerful that no one could touch her; that she could be above everyone else. She used everyone and everything she could for some reason that I have never been able to figure out. She made and broke promises as easily as breathing. She caught the attention of groups and organisations all over the city, and she laughed off all their threats, because she thought she was invincible." He shrugged. "She wasn't. Even the Elves could see that, though they protected her all the same; they had some kind of bullshit code that meant while she was one of them, they would. Ultimately, she severed her last ties, including me. She used her magic on me, used me like a puppet, sent me to Black's ... it nearly killed me. I don't remember much after I arrived. I don't remember getting out. I just woke up in a healer's hall, having been asleep for six weeks."

Thinking back to that day, weak and barely able to stand, all he could do was ask for her, to get word to her. But he heard nothing, and the Kelbé Elves told him nothing.

"When I finally had enough strength to walk and such, they sent me off. They needed the space. I returned to the tavern, informed I was no longer 'vouched for by any active members of their family'. She had gone. Vanished. And no, I don't think she was killed. Her belongings were gone and she left nothing, not a note or a hint to the staff. Well, that's not true. She left people hurt and angry and upset. She left me, and she had diminished me so much that I could do nothing but scrounge on the streets, until that's all I was; a street rat." He looked up, his face bitter but his eyes shimmered with unshed tears. "Katarya Frost is the monster. Not Artemis Back, not me, not those fucking Elves or any of those groups. She was a person who had manipulated everyone, and then left us all, scarred by her lust for power."

For a long time he said nothing, and was grateful that Kit respected his silence. After a time, he looked up. "Never say that name to anyone. You'll get nothing but bitter, anger and hate. And I ... I helped her. I ran her errands, I brought her things, stole magical items, helped ensnare people in her schemes. I did my part, so I am probably right where I deserve to be. She is the monster, but I was a willing minion. And that," he looked Kit right in the eye. "Is why you should walk away and forget that you ever saw me, heard my name. I told you about the Witch because it's a warning. You have been warned. You're better armed now. So, go. I'll do my time on the streets, and one day I will probably die in a gutter. And I don't ..." Helo stopped talking as he lowered his face into his hands, and began to cry.
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit sat silent and still as Helo poured his heart out to him. It was a surprise at how open the Changeling was being. Of course, he has asked him to tell him the reason why he and Mister Black were enemies ... if that was the right word for it, but he had never expected this.

He listened as he got a little glimpse into the world of the man who ruled the Hall and had been kind enough to give him a place there. Was this why Mister Black was so averse to the use of magic around him? Because of that witch?

For Kit, from what he had read, witches were just wizards who happened to be women and usually lived in villages. Or they were just skilled with herbs and were midwives, and given that name by the superstitious kind. But here was a man talking about one in Fellsguard, and from how he was talking, a powerful one at that ... a scary one! He was curious, but he was also very moved by Helo's tale.

When the poor man began to cry, Kit felt suddenly very awkward, and had no idea what to do. And so he did the only thing he knew how to do - he quoted a passage from a book. Placing a hand on Helo's shoulder he said: "When we allow ourselves only sorrow, sadness and grief to rule us, then all that is good and true will turn to ash, and what will remain is sorrow, sadness and grief."

Kit squeezed the Changeling's shoulder gently. "I don't feel anything but sorry that you got caught up in something like that. And for Mister Black too. It was no one's fault but that woman's. Many people fall victim to their lust for power, and they leave a trail of destruction. That seems to me what happened here. It was not your fault. That is my belief anyway. I don't think you are a bad person." He patted Helo's shoulder and removed his hand. "I promise to keep your name, and her name out of my head when I am back a the Hall. But, I would still like us to be friends. I don't have many, and maybe you don't either. I could help you ... get you food, or something. Whatever I can do. And if you feel like that would put you in my debt, you shouldn't. If you feel that you owe me, well, you will find I ask a lot of questions. Maybe you could answer them for me. Nothing as personal as what you have told me today, just to help with my studies." That sounded like he was going to treat Helo like a research experiment ... "I mean no offence by that. I am just trying to learn about the world, and I have never met a Changeling before. And you are kind."
Word count: 486
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