The Lieutenant of House Arcaod

Having been made a Lieutenant of House Arcaod, Kira Lenora is determined to make a difference in the city of Fellsguard

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Kira Lenora
Arcaod Lieutenant
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Joined: March 30th, 2020, 11:35 pm
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The Lieutenant of House Arcaod

Post by Kira Lenora »

"On your feet! Sergeant Gathin shouted.

There was scrabbling, a little groaning, some (not unexpected) looks of surprise, and even some outright irritation on the men and women who had been lounging around the briefing room. All eyes were currently fixed on this person who, from their reaction, you might have thought was a complete surprise, even though they had been told they would be getting a new lieutenant and should be ready for it.

Kira Lenora nodded to Gathin as she moved to stand before her new guardsmen and women, her hands clasped behind her back, which was as straight, her uniform crisp and fresh, and the two silver lines patches of her rank almost gleamed. Her hair, pulled back in a tail, made her already quite serious face rather severe. She had found she needed to look the part if people were going to take her seriously - she had also found that it was often not enough, and if she were to win her guards over, she would have to be tough.

"Thank you, Sergeant," she said, without looking at him. Instead her eyes were scanning the people before her, wondering who she would find in this crew. There were always the usual types, she found. The lazy, the arrogant, the ass-kissers, the people who dreamed bigger than their abilities, and the ones who squandered them. There would be resistance to her posting, and she expected that. In some way, she would be counting on it.

She gave them a moment to look at her. She kept silent for a little while, waiting for the moment one of them glanced to the other in confusion or mockery. When a surly looking fellow furrowed his brow and exchanged a look to another man, she began. "I am Lieutenant Kira Lenora. I have been transferred here to improve everything and everyone."

While she gave that a moment to sink in, someone spoke up. "Our last lieutenant had no complaints about us!" the man grumbled.

Kira's eyes turned to him, and she took a few, slow steps towards him. "What is your name?" she asked, pointedly.

The man was quite large, and was obviously not intimidated by her. Why would he be? He didn't likely know anything about her. "Everyone here calls me 'Crash' because I -"

"I didn't ask you what other people called you, Guardsman." Kira said, looking up at him. Yes, he was taller, but she was in charge and she had to make sure she quickly pushed any thoughts of being able to be made a fool of or openly disrespected in any way. "I asked you your name."

The man had the audacity to give a small sigh of annoyance. "Luca Mal."

Kira raised a brow at him, waiting.

Guardsman Mal gave her a look of annoyance before (reluctantly) adding: "Lieutenant."

Nodding, Kira turned and moved back to where she stood, turning and nodding to the door. "Go home, Guardsman Mal." She said.

There was a heavy silence as people shared glances of confusion and some even shifted on their feet. Mal himself was the most perplexed, looking toward the grey haired Gathin. "Sarge?"

"Sergeant Gathin was not talking to you." she said, coldly. "I was. You will go home, then you report for the watch at midnight, as you will do for three more nights."

Luca Mal looked enraged. It was an expression she had seen on many faces in her climb through the ranks of the guard, and it no longer daunted her as it used to when she was much younger. She had dealt with bigger, fiercer men and women than Luca Mal! So when he spoke: "I don't work night shifts without these guys! I'm not working with those stupid lot on -"

"Five nights." Kira's voice grew a little louder, but she kept her composure still. When he looked like he was about to protest further, her eyes narrowed. "And if another word comes out of your mouth you won't get paid for any of them. Go."

Luca Mal was near red with fury, but wisely kept his mouth shut. He did, however, stomp out of the room and slammed the door behind him, leaving the room in a dead silence.

Kira had kept her eyes forward the entire time, and after moment she spoke again, as if nothing had happened. "For the next week, I will be observing you and conducting check ins with each of you. I want to get to know you, what you are good at, what you can improve on. I am not here to be your enemy, nor am I here to be your friend. I am here as an officer and to do my job, which is to make sure you do yours and you do it well. If any of you feel uncomfortable with that, then you may request a transfer, which I promise you now will be denied." She placed a hand on the pummel of the sword at her hip.

"House Arcaod is tasked with maintaining order and upholding the law of this city. As you have pledged yourselves to its service, you are bound to the same cause." She let her eyes roam across the faces of the fourteen men and women who seemed to be taking her a bit more seriously than she had expected. Her last command posting had been a tough battle in the beginning, but she would remain vigilant until she knew everything about everyone, and they worked perfectly. She expected nothing less than the absolute best, especially if she were to rise further in the ranks of House Arcaod.

"We live in a great city and it is an honour for us to serve as its protectors and keepers of the peace. But there is - and always will be - much work to be done. We have crime, because that is how the world works. What concerns me is the organisation of crime in our city. We have gangs, and criminal syndicates. We have taverns and shops that are nothing more than a front for illegal activity, and we have people - our own fellow guardsmen and women - taking bribes to look the other way. This will not do." She started to walk in a line towards them and through them. "Of all the law enforcers of this city, you are - I am told - among the best. So I expect the best. If you are not up to that standard, then get to it fast, because I can and I will replace you." Their eyes were all forward, which pleased her. "You have these next seven days to make sure that does not happen, and you don't end up back on slum-patrol. You are not just guards; you are investigators, and protectors, and champions of this House. Together, we will do our part in the dismantling of criminal organisations in this city, and we will do it better than any other unit out there." She was now at the rear of the room, looking at the backs of heads. She might even have smiled, if she had not feared that someone might see. "Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Kira cocked her head and walked back to the front of the room. "A little lacklustre, but I am sure we can improve on that." She glanced to the Gathin. "I'll leave it to you to pick who comes and sees me first for assessment, Sergeant. Have whoever you think will impress me most come first. I want to know where the bar is set. Have them report to my office in fifteen minutes."

"Yes, Lieutenant." The older man said, in a deep husky voice, and saluting. He at least seemed to hold himself with dignity and showed outward signs of respect.

Kira nodded, then looked back to the squad. "You know your duties. Dismissed." And with that, Kira Lenora turned and left the heavy silence of the room and closed the door. As soon as it shut, she let a long breath out and reached up to smooth her hair. "Well, that's fourteen people who don't like me, and one person who most definitely hates me. Great start!"


Her office was quite messy, and Kira was already irritated at the lieutenant who had been here before her for leaving it this way. She managed to pile up the reports that were spread about, and throw some rubbish in a box before a knock at the door announced the first of the guards she would be 'assessing'. She let them wait a moment before taking a seat behind the desk, glancing up at the emblem of House Arcoad, and then finally got down to business.

This was going to be tough, stressful and downright exhausting.

And Kira Lenora could not wait to get started.
Word count: 1480
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