Riding Lessons

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Riding Lessons

Post by Artemis Black »

The drifting morning mist was just beginning to fade from the community space before the Hall as Artemis returned astride Sir Francis de Eradrald the XII. Artemis grunted softly as his mount came to a practiced halt with only minor prompting. He felt far too warm and bulky in the heavier winter gloves and cloak. It was like wearing plate armor made of quilt and down, and he grimaced as another attempt to suddenly shift his arm met with resistance.

Wearing the dense gear made Artemis intimately aware of how ridiculous he looked. What was often an image of regal approach, the well-kept lord returning to his lands upon his favored beast, became instead a drunken toddler bumbling upon a too-large moose. Thankfully, the cobble and packed dirt square was largely empty, most folks still abed. Artemis grunted again as he felt sweat trickling down back. He imagined he reeked despite the minimal exertion of his morning ride, and he'd still not managed to handle Sir Francis as well as he liked.

For his part, the bull snorted softly, projecting a constant stream of steaming air as his rider quietly complained. "Well of course you like it- you're made for this stuff," Artemis complained aloud as his irritation shifted. "Could probably deal with it fine if it weren't for this damn itch and I'm not dealing with another lecture from Kessy-" he started, stopping himself abruptly as he caught movement emerging from the stable doors.
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Re: Riding Lessons

Post by Dáire »

Dáire scrubbed his calloused hand over his face yet again, hoping in vain that by some will of the gods he could wipe the sleepy haze from his thoughts with the impatient gesture. He wasn't often one to complain, but his beds mates' restless nights were beginning to affect his own ability to get enough rest as of late- and it may have been making him a little more irritable than usual. Grumbling over the fact he’d woken to an empty bed and that he couldn’t remember where he’d left … what was he looking for again?

With a weary sigh, Dáire wandered out of the stables, running a long fingered hand through his bed ruffled hair. A cloud of what he first thought was fog, hit him square in the face a few steps beyond the doorway,he looked up in confusion as a pair of large, kind brown eyes came into focus, their gaze meeting his in one of innocent curiosity. One black brow arched as his attention went past the moose's face and he eyed the moose's small, somewhat disgruntled looking rider bundled up on his back.

“And here I thought you were always happy to happen across me in the early hours.” He said, lips curling into a lopsided grin as he drifted along the die of Sir Francis, the expression faltering somewhat as he took in the slight sheen of sweat on his lover's skin. “Was all not well with your ride this morning Melethron?” He said softly, resting a hand lightly on the man’s thigh, waiting to see if he would wish his help to dismount as he often did.
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Re: Riding Lessons

Post by Artemis Black »

The thief felt his tension relax instantly as his lover appeared. Artemis ran his eyes over the man, noting the clear exhaustion beginning to creep into Dáire's features, and felt his chest tighten with regret. "I would rather greet your brilliance than the sun, cundo," he said with a forced bit of brightness. "I can't move in this stupid thing though, and the itch got- worse a little while ago. Something is happening in the city maybe."

Artemis turned and prepared to fall into Dáire's arms, grinning broadly as he looked down at the large man. "I'm sorry I've been keeping you awake melethron," he added, saying the last word softly, with a faint nervousness. He held out his arms and curled his fingers in beckoning, indicating clearly his want to be caught before he half-fell from the moose's back.

"I stink, so maybe you can help me with a bath and breakfast. Then I can show you what's causing me trouble with Sir Francis?" he offered, narrowing his eyes at the great beast as it snorted in clear amusement.
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Re: Riding Lessons

Post by Dáire »

Dáire grinned openly at the nervous undertone to Artemis’ use of his endearment as the smaller man all but flopped into his embrace. “Think nothing further about it, I am not so easily driven away.” With a final reassuring squeeze, he let Artemis slide softly to the ground, “This itch still concerns me, did you remember to take the tonic the doctor prescribed to you?” He said, feeling somewhat overprotective, the easy joy slipping from his face at the reminder. The condition, and the solution still concerned him, even if Artemis appeared outwardly unworried.

He snorted, “And you do not stink, but a bath and food sound like a wonderful idea, especially before the hoard awakens and pillages the place.” Collecting the moose's reins, he tugged Artemis gently to his side, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as they led the large creature towards his large stall in the corner. Dáire gave Sir Francis a scrutinising once over as they strolled the short distance, the beast was huge, the head large and ungainly when compared to that of the horses to which he was more accustomed. He almost groaned at the thought of trying to fix whatever issue Artemis was running into with the Moose, whose innocent, expression blied what was no doubt a smart, and willful creature when he chose to be.

Letting go of Artemis, Dáire moved to tether the moose within it’s stall, ensuring he stayed out of mischief while they ate, avoiding damage to the expensive tack in the short time they’d be gone. “Let’s bathe and eat,” he said softly , sliding his hand into his thief’s and moving towards the large bath tucked out of sight of the main room, “then we shall see what trouble the moose has been causing you.”
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Re: Riding Lessons

Post by Artemis Black »

The thief reveled in his lover's touch, leaning against him as much as he could without hindering their ability to walk. "I did, took it right on time. I know well the dangers of misusing medicines, even if I ignore them from time to time," he answered with faint indignation. "Think I just passed by an area where magic was being used," he mused, idly. "Which isn't entirely surprising out here away from prying eyes. We might want to be on the lookout for suspicious folks."

At the mention of the horde, Artemis laughed sharply. "They certainly haven't adjusted to the regular access we provide. Folks are still coming in as if we'll disappear tomorrow. Maybe worth talking to Jacobus and Miss Hawkins, see if we can enforce some social niceties." He hummed as he was tugged closer, curling his gloved fingers into Dáire's hip. He watched Dáire expertly secure Sir Francis and began to reach for the latches and straps of his winterized armor.

"I think there's still some of the good soaps available, did you ever pick a favorite mix?" he asked as he gently removed his hand from the Elf's and slid off the loosened arm guards. Once they were free he hooked them to the straps on his chestplate and sighed as the cool air rushed across his skin. His arms were slick with sweat and a faint pink of irritation. He frowned at them and started at the straps on his sides as they continued moving.

The bath had become more than immensely popular once the local drain and water connection was completed. Technically they weren't allowed to use it for anything but the construction work. A few simple bribes, and the fact they weren't causing problems with the pipes, allowed the Hall to provide a simple bath to the community. As soon as the first family arrived to use the bath it became clear that the simple box wall wasn't going to cut it.

Foreman Jacobus had worked with Deborah during one of her casual evening visits to design a simple layout based on what was used in the Velvet Goose; something that was easy to clean, had real walls, and could store all the spare towels, soaps, and a donation box. Artemis had come to relish the odd hours he got to enjoy the cozy bath with warmed water and fresh towels. The times Dáire joined him were particularly cherished memories.
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Re: Riding Lessons

Post by Dáire »

Dáire smiled indulgently as he moved up behind Artemis to help with the multitude of straps covering his lover. “I think you ask me that same question every time we’re in here. “ He chuckled quietly, the lingering pull sleep had over him disappearing by the moment. He watched with rapt attention as his newest lover before himstripped down to nothing but his underclothes. He’d changed so much since they’d first met, the waife of a street lad who had infiltrated a noble's house with him, was now bulking and maturie with the regular, hearty meals now accessible in the hall.

He let his fingers trail softly over the irritated skin left by the heavy clothing, his eyes following the movement “You went out this morning as though prepared for a fight,” His gaze lifted to the other mans, a solemn edge having entered his countenance, “Is there something I don't know of?”

With his free hand, he lifted the closest bar of soap off a newly erected shelving unit. Bringing it to his nose, he inhaled deeply. The citrusy scent was strong, but it was mixed with something softer, warmer. Something he suspected may linger upon the skin well after one's bath.

His expression softened again as he watched with a quiet adoration, the clever mind behind those deep, brown eyes working hard, always working. The truth was he didn't have a favourite, having been raised in nature and present much of his life amongst it, too many scents carried remembered emotions for him to choose a favourite so easily. That wasn't to mention the new ones they’d made recently either.

His blood heated at the remembered passions that flowed so easily between them, colour flushed his cheeks. “Come, bathe now or I will join you and we will be part of that ravenous gaggle of residents, by the time I am through with you here.”
Word count: 321
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Re: Riding Lessons

Post by Artemis Black »

"Well you've not answered, and I want to know the things to bring you happiness. Maybe one that reminds you of me," he offered with a wink, trying to ignore the garments plastered to his tender chest. "As for the armor- you train how you fight right? Always better to know how to do things in the full gear than be caught with a lucky knock because I wasn't familiar."

"Definitely ran into something magic though, I feel like I've been in the sun too long. I think the potion the Doc gave me is making things more sensitive than usual. It's fading at least, so I'll be okay." He watched Dáire move about idly, grinning like a fool the entire time as he was again overwhelmed with all that had changed in his life. He caught the faint tinge of blush on Dáire's neck and hummed.

"You say this as though it is meant to dissuade me Daire, but all it does is tighten my pants," he countered the Elf's urging. "But I probably need to recover and I do truly want to improve my riding. I- want to just- Idols you're so amazing," he ended the statement with a murmur, moving to hug his lover and thinking better of it as a chill went through his sweat-soaked clothes.

Moving instead to the bath, he tossed the clothes into one of the spare baskets and slid into the water. "It feels like ice and fire at the same time," he hissed through clenched teeth before dunking himself beneath the warmed water. As he came up, he tossed his head to drain his now shaggy mane of thick hair. "Getting better. Need to visit the Doc again before we travel I think, just in case. Want to help scrub me? I promise I'll be good."
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Re: Riding Lessons

Post by Dáire »

Dáire chuckled, a wide smile now plastered across his face, life was rarely dull since Artemis had blown into his, not unlike like a summer storm , the raging heat and ability to shake up his stagnant life, reshaping what it was he wanted.

Grabbing a fresh wash cloth he knelt down beside the baths rim and leant close to his thief, “Liar,” He breathed into his ear, “I’m not sure anything we’ve done together could be considered, good.” Smiling wickedly, Dáire drew back, reaching for a bar of greenish soap as he dunked the washcloth in the warm bath water. “But if that’s what you wish for melethron, I'm sure we could make that happen.” His words punctuated by a sud laden hand, sliding languidly over his lover's bared chest in a silky glide as his gaze followed the motion.

He reveled in his ability to tease this man, secure in the knowledge Artemis would no doubt have his own back at some point in the not so distant future. Giving into the impulse, he let his fingers trail exploratorially paths across his skin for a few moments more before replacing them with the washcloth, methodically wiping any evidence of the mornings ride.

“A visit to the docs sounds like a wise plan, we can have you falling ill in the middle of the wilderness my city lover. I have a few things I should settle in the city as well before we leave.” He said in a much more consideration tone, as though running through plans and lists in his head. He had planned a gift for Artemis, and if they were to travel he’d best get it sorted before they left, he felt it would mean more if the young man got to make use of it on their trip.

As the sounds of shuffling and grumbling mumbles began to emanate from the barracks, Dáire moved to grab one of the large fluffy towels for the now minty fresh man. Holding it up, he bundled Artemis up, giving him a quick squeeze before moving to leave, “I’ll grab us a few plates of food and meet you at the table. Hurry or you may have more male company soon, and I may just get jealous.”
Word count: 385
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Re: Riding Lessons

Post by Artemis Black »

He shivered as Dáire teased him and grinned broadly at the man as he was indulged. Artemis made sure to shift and press into Dáire's hand at every opportunity, and even managed to not waste too much time. "I'm open to help you with anything I can, Cundo. Besides, I enjoy getting to see bits of who you have been before I ensnared you," the thief offered teasingly when things to settle came up.

Then Artemis was wrapped in the fluffy warmth of a towel and he sighed that the brief moment had passed. He watched Dáire move away with a piercing gaze, his eyes half-lidded in comfortable lechery. "As you say, I will perhaps arrive before even you if you promise I can sit in your lap," he called back and began to aggressively scrub at his hair.

The usually close-cropped mess had become a thick tangle as of late and Artemis grumbled at it when his deft movements snagged clumps of resistant hair. "Stupid thing- should- hmm," he groused before deciding it was dry enough and moving to don a spare lounging tunic and breeches Ksenia had insisted he have after the last time he'd wandered out of the bath in only wisps of steam.

Feeling only faint tremors of tension and ache, both of which were starting to become his new normal, Artemis moved out into the Hall proper and ran his eyes across the slowly filling long table as he prepared himself for the usual breakfast chatter.
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Re: Riding Lessons

Post by Dáire »

The main room of the hall was beginning to fill up as Dáire left the bathing area, the majority of faces still groggy, their eyes still heavy with sleep as they leant over steaming cups of tea and bowls of porridge. Dáire snagged a few bowls from the stack, smiling at lena as she dished the gloopy oaty mush into the two bowls. He smiled warmly at the woman, thankful for the meal even though it was probably still one of the least appetising breakfast foods to look upon. A quick drizzle of honey over the bland concoction gave it a slightly more appealing look he tried to tell himself, knowing it was a stretch, he huffed and dropped a couple of spoons in the bowls. He spotted Artemis emerging from the bathing area and a wide smile broke over his face at the sight of his tangled and towel ruffled hair.

Catching the younger man’s eye, he nodded towards a bench that still had a decent amount of free space before grabbing two mugs of tea and winding his way through the residents to his seat. He chuckled, setting the bowls down and pulling Artemis onto his lap, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Your hair looks like we just had a vigorous roll in the sheets lover… it is gloriously soft though.” he added as though to himself. His free hand stroking the damp locks, then drifting down to tenderly cup his lover’s cheek. The boyish smile upon Dáire’s face making him appear as youthful as his looks belied.
Word count: 267
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