The Word of Lost Souls

Jason awakens in the Chaotic Lucky Fungus, he memory completely gone. He only knows one thing, his name.

Verdant Row can be chaotic or peaceful to a fatigued adventurer. Managed by spirits, this town serves as a temporary stop for a person to rest and eat. If there is no trouble about, a stay here is lovely, due to the nearby picturesque scenery. Read more...
Jason Blake
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The Word of Lost Souls

Post by Jason Blake »

Jason wakes up, face in the dirt by the river, the water washing over his boots. His head pounding as he struggles to his feet, the sword on his belt getting in his way. Jason slips on the mud, landing back in the dirt. With a grunt and some aggravation. Once, standing he draws his sword, throwing it into the dirt away from him. "Where the hell am I?" He ask to the world around him, not getting an answer he makes his was towards the nearest building.

Getting closer he sees a faded swinging sign the bears a mushroom and the name The Chaotic Lucky Fungus. Pushing the door open, he walks in slowly trying to get his bearings. The confusion in his mind only mounts as a specter floats past him. He walks in further turning in a circle, taking in the entirety of the building and the occupants. Approaching the bar he speaks to the woman, and the tavern as a whole. "Where am I?"
Word count: 168
Nedira Kir
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Re: The Word of Lost Souls

Post by Nedira Kir »

"Your in Verdant Row a place for the lost to be found." She addressed the confused man about her age as she put a large basket of edible mushrooms on the counter near the kitchen. Her outfit was a little dirty indicating she had recently been picking what she carried.

A handful of copper was dropped in front of her as the cook lifted up the delivery and returned to the back. "Thank you kindly Ma'am." The bard didn't know if she was heard, but added the coins to her purse.

Nedira absent mindedly patted the sword at her belt as she looked the man over. "Well, did you need directions somewhere Sir? I know my way around Tvir at this point if you are lost. I'm also, fairly skilled in many things if aid is what you seek." She smiled politely as she gave a slight bow of her head. "I go by Nedira Kir, who might you be?"
Word count: 160
Jason Blake
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Re: The Word of Lost Souls

Post by Jason Blake »

"Jason Blake." He looks over the girl, studying her demeanor, clothing and the mushrooms. "A place for the lost to be found? I suppose I am the right place because I am lost. I do not know how I got here or where I came from." Seeing her sword, Jason already regrets tossing his away near the river.

"I could use help. Maybe find out what I am supposed to be doing." Jason's stomach growls a little. "Maybe after a bite to eat. Looking down at the counter he is unsure of where he is supposed to go from here.
Word count: 100
Nedira Kir
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Re: The Word of Lost Souls

Post by Nedira Kir »

Nedira's own stomach rumbled as if echoing the man. "That's a good idea Jason. This place supposedly has the best mushroom stew. Though I've never had it myself." She pondered her light purse for a moment. Then scolded herself mentally for hesitating to help a fellow displaced individual. "Tell you what it's my treat."

She turned to the owner behind the bar. She was quite pretty all told. Her black hair was cut short and she was wearing a form fitting green dress. The warrior woman pulled out twenty copper pieces for the signiture special. "We'll have two of the house special if you please Madam." She dropped the coins on the counter as she lowered herself to the nearest bar stool.

Now she turned to the man and smiled from her seated position. "Jason I do hope your not the type to turn down a free meal. For now this is all I can do without more information. Can you tell me what happened when you woke up? The slightest detail could be important." She waited patiently to hear what he had to say. As she gestured to the seat next to her.
Word count: 194
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Bracken Olivefrost
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Re: The Word of Lost Souls

Post by Bracken Olivefrost »

Bracken was beginning to think Verdant Row wasn't worth all the trouble it caused. She got halfway through the idea of going elsewhere before she remembered the last time she'd had that idea. The slivers of annoyance that immediately sprang to the fore of her mind forced her to concede again.

"I'll take the job. Ghosts reporting robberies. The ghosts that won't talk to anyone?" she asked again and winced at the complete lack of expression on the clerks face. "Right, think I know a place," she continued with a shrug as she collected the paperwork. Checking her gear, an entirely needless ritual given she'd checked it before she even came here, Bracken started for The Chaotic Lucky Fungus.

The place was unusual, or it would have been anywhere but Verdant Row. The outside looked like a bold Mage designer had teleported a house inside a fishmonger's. Bracken had been a few times and most remembered the stew, and the fact that there was a young gal there who seemed to talk to the ghosts and get answers.

Hitting the front door with only a mild shove to get it unstuck, she grunted faintly at the unseemly creak the wood made before it swung aside. The room beyond was mostly normal looking, half-filled with a mix of spirits and travelers all in various states of meals. Before she could even step inside. the scent of simmering stew washed over the battlemage and she felt a clawing need to eat.

With a few quick strides, and one careful dodge around someone as they rose, Bracken reached the countertop and settled in next to a pair who seemed to be chatting or perhaps on some kind of outing. Focused on her task, she tossed her coins down and gave the proprietress a bright smile. "Another for me while you're at it, and I need to talk with the little one too, if she's got some time."

That handled, Bracken turned her focus to the other two. 'Humans, northerner by the braid and a- mud roller,' she assessed quickly, flashing them both a more reserved smile. "You look like you've been enjoying the local mudpiles. They up to your standards?" she asked the man with another glance up and down his bedraggled state.
Word count: 381
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Re: The Word of Lost Souls

Post by Jason Blake »

Jason sits down near Nedria, but not right next to her. "I would not turn down free food, but I must ask why are you helping me. People are not kind for no reason." His face portrays a scowl at the woman as he waits for the meal. "If you must know, I woke up in the mud by the river. Once I got up," His hand instinctively reaches for his sword, which is laying in the mud where he threw it. "I walked into this backwards place and you found me."

The voice makes him turn his attention to the newcomer, a short woman who had an air of attitude about her to him. "Mudpies, are completely comfortable once you get in the right position. Something you probably never experienced." Jason says with a bit of spite and sarcasm.

Jason sat there looking between trying to determine which one would be more useful in helping him and the one that would be more interesting. The girl that was kind and helpful or the one that was rude, interjecting themselves into a conversation, but full of confidence and seeming capable.
Word count: 190
Nedira Kir
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Re: The Word of Lost Souls

Post by Nedira Kir »

Nedira smiled broadly as Jason avoided sitting next to her. "Your concern is reasonable, but it's really simple. A few months back I ended up in this unknown place much like you, though no river."

When the fellow female warrior interjected she stopped herself from continuing to speak. She measured the confidence the other woman spoke with against her movement. The bard concluded that she might make a challenging fight if it came to that. "I hear some cultures bathe in mud for therapeutic purposes, so good for you sir."

When the lady spoke of mudpiles the human girl realized she was filthy from mushroom gathering. She had no problem getting her hands dirty, but didn't want to eat like that. She hummed a few notes then sang a spell. "I have no time for grime." Power could be felt around her as the clothes she wore became clean. The rest of her was dirt free as well. She laughed as other people grew silent then resumed talking. That was when the fabled stew arrived for the three of them.
Word count: 180
Jason Blake
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Re: The Word of Lost Souls

Post by Jason Blake »

"How does one get out of this place and back to normal?" He sits there contemplating whether or not he even knew what normal was. Jason looked at the two woman and decided that the strange one was more entertaining than the rude one. "It was a mud bath of convivence not choice, but I will live with it."

He looks around as the girl sang a little tune. Noticing the lack of reaction from the room as the magic is cast he turns back to he pair, "So magic is relatively normal then? No consequence for being able to cast it?" Jason looks down at the soup and takes a spoonful to gather a taste of it as the mud on his face cracks and fall into the liquid deliciousness.
Word count: 131
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Bracken Olivefrost
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Re: The Word of Lost Souls

Post by Bracken Olivefrost »

"Well look at you, cleaned up quicker than a dandy caught in the maid's quarters at first light," Bracken offered with a smirk to the bard. "Now, given your surprise and concern, I'm guessing you're from some place Fellsgard way then, Mister Mudpies?" She added, turning her attention to Jason.

"And no, in this place, surrounded by the dead still living, there are few laws at all. You might want to have a care if you plan to stay long though; they'll scoop you right up for even a lick of magic, those fine folks and their Inquisition out west." She flicked a thumb in the vague direction of the distant human city.

Turning her attention to her stew, Bracken collected her spoon and indulged in a slow appreciative bite. The laziness of the motion made it clear she had very little to do until the requested 'little one' arrived. The fact another bite followed before she had even looked to her drink spoke well for the quality of the meal as well.

"You even got a weapon on you?" she asked before taking another hearty bite and grinning around the spoon. "Liable to end up back in the mud otherwise."
Word count: 201
Nedira Kir
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Re: The Word of Lost Souls

Post by Nedira Kir »

Nedira wondered why these two people were insistent on keeping their names to themselves. She supposed in Jason's case she had introduced herself first. The attractive female seemed to like nicknames. The bard figured that the man's personality was a factor so she would not be giving his name out to the newcomer for him. He did not seem bothered by the accolade Sir which meant to her he may be a noble of some kind. These thoughts only took a few seconds as she tried to fill in the blanks for the two people she was talking with.

"Well normal is a matter of perspective Sir. If you seek safety for magic use I hear Ajteire in Ninrah to the southeast is very accepting. Also, Domrhask in the Irtuen Reaches which is northeast is less strict then Fellsguard. Their motto so I've heard is keep it too yourself or The Hammer will exile you to a harsh island further north." The bard didn't feel explaining Fellsguard was necessary as the newcomer covered the main worry.

She laughed merrily at the woman's joke at her expense. The lady was starting to remind her of one of her father's favorite lovers. That red head loved cracking a joke no matter how desperate the situation. "Of course got to keep your Paramores happy, else they might refuse to shelter you in their embrace."

As the lady questioned Jason about weaponry she noted the swordsman's calluses on his hands. Strange that he wasn't carrying something that he must have worked hard to make use of. "If you don't have a means of defense I can show you a decent shop nearby. I think a proper sword would suit your skills, if you don't remember them." As an example she pointed at the telling marks on his hands. Then pointed at her own badges of honor on her palms. She drew her longsword slightly while keeping it mostly in the scabbard. She didn't want someone to think trouble was about to start. The way she held it showed the hilt fit snugly between the calluses. Then she lowered the weapon to its fully rested position.

Soon she had her spoon in hand as she sampled the mushroom soup allowing the warmth to energize her body. She could tell right away several different types made up the meal. She reached for the dark ale she was given as a drink. It wasn't as good as her grandmother use to make, but probably nothing could be. In her case she certainly couldn't go home again.
Word count: 429
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