I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Kat inadvertently accepts an adventure to go take notes on an unexplored region outside of Fellsguard ... all she needs now is to find someone who will be willing to help her get there!

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Dáire »

Dáire found himself listening in as Arthur then answered Miss Frosts question. A Knight, huh. That did explain his demeanour and formality a bit. Although the knights he’d come across in the past had been less … rigid, but his slight pause betrayed much. There was more to this man than he allowed outsiders to see, he was sure of it.

As they approached a small crossroad, he barely avoided bumping into Miss Frost as she came to an abrupt halt, apparently pouring over the small map clasped between her hands. Arthur moved in to look at the map with her. Dáire chose to stay behind the duo, two being company and three a crowd and all that. He was mildly surprised when the young knight called upon his option on the matter, having pointed out possible issues further to their east.

Dáire could feel his brows drawing together as he frowned over her shoulder at the scrawl of a map she held. “Whoever the cartographer was that drew that, needs a new profession,” He grumbled under his breath as he tried to make sense of the out of scale map. “I do believe we need to travel further north at this point, but not by far and then we could head more north-east, we’re close.”

He inwardly smiled as she rationalised their safety from the witch in these woods. Some of the ones he’d met, usually the older ones who were getting bored, used to play pranks on anyone who wandered too close. Just so they could laugh from afar at their expressions of horror before releasing them from the trap.


Miss Frost led them through the forest at a fair clip for someone so short, purpose was written in every line of her body. Dáire and Arthur strode along with her, their long legs eating up the uneven ground. He felt it the instance they crossed the invisible boundary, everything went very quiet and deadly still. It was like being under water, the noises they made sounded muffled to his own ears, even though they were mere feet from him. Using his keen eyesight, his attention darted between the trees, up into the canopy and then back the way they came, he palmed his daggers as he gave the trees another sweep. Nothing appeared undue, but anticipation rode the air. The sound of earth tearing snapped his attention to the ground at his feet but he wasn’t fast enough to get out of the way. Thick green vines shot from the ground like flailing arms, grasping and twining their way around their legs. I fraction of a moment later, he felt his legs being freed, Arthur shouting at him as he made a jolt towards Miss Frost who was already encased up to her waist in the vines. Blades drawn and just about to make his first swipe, the sound of his mother tongue on her lips froze him.


The vines recoiled from her like they were flesh avoiding flame. He stared at her for a moment before glancing behind him at the young knight. He’d known she had magic, but he was afraid for her, for what the knight’s reaction may be. He let out a pent up breath, having established that the man was back to watching their surroundings, he didn’t appear to have seen the young witches magical display.
Word count: 575
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Katarya Frost »

With the combined efforts of the three, the vines seemed to give up the fight and in an instance, they evaporated into dust.

Katarya smoothed down her skirts, throwing a nervous glance over her shoulder a the two men. Dáire had given her a knowing look, but didn't seem at all fazed by her display of magic. Arthur, it seemed, was more intent of whoever had done the deed, his eyes scanning the treeline.

He was not to be disappointed. Stepping out from the brush, a rather rotund, squat woman in her late years, made her way towards them. Despite her advanced age, and her walking stick, she walked with a confidence that belied both. She gave them a warm smile. "Oh dear, you must excuse me, children! One has to keep out unwanted visitors! She stopped a few paces ahead of them. "And there have been quite a few of those, most recently! It is fortuitous that you came along! A daring Ranger, a noble Knight, and a fledgling - yet well versed - young witch!" She gave a chuckle. "What luck! Now, follow me! And I promise; no more surprises!"

Katarya stared at the old woman as she spoke; The short figure seemed to have absolutely no fear of them, nor any remorse for what she had done with her vines. This was the witch, then. Hardly the most sinister figure they might encounter in the wilds.

As she offered her invitation, Kat looked to her two companions. "I'm going along," she said, her eyes searching the expressions of the two men. "If this is a little outside of your comfort-zone, then I understand. You can turn back, and I will pay you right now. But I would be terribly grateful if you would stick with me ... just for now. I have a feeling this old woman needs our help?"
Word count: 313

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Arthur Claymore »

"A mission, once taken, must be seen to completion."

It hadn't gone without notice that the young woman had used magic though Arthur had had an inkling that she was perhaps gifted in the art since she had discussed looking for the witch. She was an herbalist of some skill and it seemed unlikely that she would hold any kind of animosity to witchcraft given her profession. So when she had discussed turning over this mysterious witch to some noble house, Arthur had suspected her motives were not so clean. However, he didn't know if Miss Frost's intentions were good or ill. He had heard tale that practitioners of the arts would often take each others lives as a way of increasing their own power. In any regard, the squat older woman wasn't what he had expected. He didn't balk at following her. Rather than, once he returned his blades to their sheathe, he would take a position that was a few paces to the woman's side in following her. His hands rested idle at his weapons, a gesture that looked relaxed though to a practiced eye familiar with combat would be anything but. Rather, everything in his position betrayed his nature. He was a step away from the woman, within striking distance with his dagger, which he could unsheathe and lash out in as soon as she made a gesture to act. His position placed his own body directly between the woman and Miss Frost and Mister Dáire so that should she turn on them he would be her first target. And his hands rested idle at his weapons so that he could immediately respond to such a threat as soon as it appeared. All of this was evident to those who trained in combat, though easily missed by those less familiar with battle. His smile was warm, his posture relaxed, and his voice was cordial as he addressed the elder woman.

"Forgive my rudeness, ma'am, but have you lived here long? Do you live alone? It must be lonely out here if you have no companions to while the hours."

Idle chatter would fill the hours, as it were, and Arthur seemed to be genuinely interested. His eyes showed no small measure of concern and pity for the witch.
Word count: 382
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Katarya Frost
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat was pleased that her two escorts had chosen to follow her along with the old woman. She was especially pleased with Arthur, whom she (unfairly) assumed would be the first to tie her to a stake!

"Thank you, both." She said as they made their way on.

The squat woman had a wobble to her walk, though she navigated an unseen trail with ease, chattering all the while. "Oh I have lived here for ... well it must be twenty years or so! And occasionally people come and try to move me along! But I don't budge, not me!" She chuckled. "And I have plenty of friends, so I don't ever get lonely! In fact, some days I have to shoo them off, for fear I'll never get a moment's peace!"

Kat raised a brow, wondering at who these 'friends' might be ... she doubted there was a thriving community of witches up here! Nothing but wildlife and bandits!

They were making their way to a small structure that perched on the edge of a small, babbling stream. It might have been idyllic, were it not for the damage.

She had a cottage, thatched roof and all. Surrounded by a garden that might have been filled with flowers and herbs. But ...

The cottage was not unkempt, but it was damaged, and obviously at the hands of someone or something, rather than by the elements. Her door had been broken in, her garden was a mess of mud, scattered plants and boot prints. The small fencing that surrounded the entire thing was broken in places, as if someone had taken a boot (or an axe in some places) to it. The old woman stopped, putting her hands on her substantial hips and tutted. "This is what I have to welcome you to! Those men .. cruel, they are. Won't leave a poor old woman alone"

Kat looked over the damage, with a quick glance back at her companions. "What happened here, Mrs...?"

"Maggie's the name ... not a 'mrs'. Never had the time!" She chuckled, as if her house was not close to being in ruins. "As to who ... well it's those blasted men up in the forest! They have a camp there ... they used to keep to themselves, some of them even coming for help with a bad wound, if needed. But I reckon there's been a change in management. Now they just come to take and destroy, and I wsa never very good at fighting back."

Kat frowned. "Well, I'm Katarya Frost ... these are my associates; Dáire and Arthur."

Maggie grinned. "Must be mighty fine to have such handsome companions on the road! Come on, little ones! I'll make us some tea." She said, and waddled off in the direction of her home.

Katarya hung back a little, glancing between the two men. "Well ... what do you think?" She asked, candidly.
Word count: 480

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Dáire »

The soft crunch of leaves and grass, had Dáire turning fully to the direction the young warrior had been facing and his full attention zoned in on the stout woman that materialised. She looked ancient, but she moved and spoke like a woman many decades younger than that. Her warm smile seemed genuine though as she greeted them, and she was evidently sharp of mind, instantly picking out just what talent each of them harboured. Dáire searched his memories, trying to dredge up any memories of the clever lady before him but ultimately came up empty handed. It was unfair of him to be amused by Kats searching gaze and unsurety about whether or not he’d stick with her, he’d probably known more magic users than many could fathom meeting. Though given many hid what they were, most people knew more magic users than they were aware.

“Lead on Miss Frost.” He smiled quietly and made to follow both women on as Arthur also gave his further commitment to her service. The young mans dedication to his training didn’t escape the notice of the rogue in him as Arthur positioned himself within their little party. He chose not to comment on it, now just wasn't the time.

He quickly began to appreciate the better view his height gave him. In order to follow the elderly witch as she tottered her way along the unseen trail, he spent more time hunkered over than he did upright. Dáire had a good suspicion who the woman’s ‘friends’ were, and he wasn't sure how he felt about it just then. He couldn’t hold back the relieved groan that slipped out as they reached the woman’s squat, brook side home and he stood to his full height and stretch all his muscles. His brows furrowed when he began to take his surroundings in more closely. The place should have been picturesque, but the evident signs of malicious activity muddied the image. He gave Miss Frost look of concern when her gaze darted back their way. What happened here, what happened indeed. He decided then that he liked this witch, she had spirit and spoke her mind. Two qualities that he had always valued in another. The tale of the men from the mountains troubled him, an old woman shouldn’t be a target, especially not in this manner. Bowing slightly and smiling as Miss Frost introduced them, he was all ready to follow her when the little witch lingered. He paused, looking at her questioningly, “About? he raised one sleek black brow. I have seen no sign that the lady is not earnest in her words … and I am partial to tea.” His mouth quirked at the edges as he waited, genuinely interested to hear the other mans thoughts on things.
Word count: 475
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Arthur Claymore »

Arthur never relaxed or at least that was the impression that one might glean from the young man's posture and attention. It was impossible at any time to say exactly at what his eyes were gazing at in any given moment. The small shift of his gaze was imperceptible to all but the most trained of eyes. He didn't just watch the woman's steps with those keen gazes but how and where she moved so that he could recreate the path even without her guidance should he decide to track this path back. He noted the markings of trees and the small patches of worn grass that indicated a wild animal nearby. A small creature, nothing dangerous and thus quickly dismissed, and so when it came to them to enter Maggie's abode, his eyes were tracking details that the others would likely not be as invested in. First was the impression of boot prints in the gardens and the trail of mud, while it was hard to discern much as they had made an effort to trample the area with some vigor he did notice the points of egress. The two vectors came at slightly different angles from each other meaning they likely hadn't come directly from their camp proper. A brief calculation, it was probable that the bandits were responsible for this. It was likely that they had come after failing to earn any loot from wayward travelers to vent their frustrations on their old witch's home. Then had retreated back to their camp once they were satisfied with the havoc they had caused. His gaze tracked at least five or seven men in all by distinguishing at least that many different boot prints from one another and the paths leading too and from the home. They had not been making an effort to hide their trek. Meaning they didn't fear direct retaliation. A foolish idea. Because if there was one thing that Arthur could not tolerate, it was those who hurt innocent people. Maggie seemed kind and proud. A formidable old woman with a steely resolve and a warm heart. She might practice the Arts rather then wield a sword, but in his eyes she held every caliber of a knight.

"I fear I cannot partake. But I trust Miss Frost will be in capable hands in your care, Mister Dáire. I will guard the perimeter in case the hooligans responsible decide to return."

A perfectly plausible and entirely reasonable thing to say while acting as a guard but Arthur was not naturally duplicitous by his nature and so it was easy to see the clench of his jaw. The tension of his arms as he absently gripped and released a hold upon the hilts of his dagger and sword as if about to draw them and cut a man or five down. And his gaze kept pulling in the direction that the footprints seemed to have traveled away to. He could probably be back before Miss Frost noticed him missing. Maggie seemed as if she could talk off an ear or its pair given the opportunity. His gaze drifted to Mister Dáire, knowing the elf's keen senses would definitely be aware should he leave. A small tilt of his head to the other man in the direction of the boot prints before lifting his chin in Miss Frost's direction. Two quick gestures indicating his intent and trusting Miss Frost to his care. He had already said the words, but the actions were meaningful to betraying his true intentions and asking Mister Dáire to say nothing about it.
Word count: 603
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Katarya Frost
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat nodded her head as Arthur decided to stand guard; he was certainly a cautious one, but she appreciated his concerns. "Thank you, Arthur."

She and Dáire followed Maggie into her broken down home. Inside, it was a cluttered little place, but felt warm and friendly, despite the damage. There was a large cauldron (which made Kat smirk to Dáire) "A witch with a cauldron: very classic!" she whispered, in Elvish. And the place smelled of earthy herbs and cooking.

"Come in, come in! Maggie said, moving to a a small fire, over which a kettle was hanging. It was already blowing steam, as if she had been expecting company. "That nice young boy not want any tea? I'll have to make sure he get's a cup before he leaves."

The house was only two rooms; they were in one that acted as the main living area (Kat and the Elf took seats at a wooden table), and kitchen at the same time. Rustic and worn fabrics hung on the walls, all mismatched but giving the place a warm feeling; it was cosy. "Thank you for inviting us into your home." Kat said, as the woman sorted out mugs for them, the smell of chamomile filling the room as Maggie crushed the leaves into a bowl. There was also honey, and a shelf full of pots full of different herbs and spices. To say she lived away from the city, she sure seemed to have quite a few luxuries.

"Oh, not at all dearie! I do enjoy company, when the mood takes me. She poured the tea into the cups and waddled over to the table, placing them before her two guests, and then setting down the honey jar. "Just to make it a little sweeter." She said, with a wink. Then she settled into a chair herself, and began scooping copious amounts of the sweet stuff into her mug. "What brings you my way?"

"We're on a contract, to survey this area of land for one of the Noble Houses of Fellsguard." She explained.

Maggie glanced up at that. "Whatever for?" She asked. "There's nothing here that would be of any interest to them folks! Only swamps and little old me." She chuckled.

Kat shrugged. "I have no idea, to be honest. Truth was, was that I had heard there was a fellow witch out here, and I grew curious, so I accepted the job. Dáire here is a friend of mine, and we do a lot of wandering around; it's nice to meet other people. Perhaps you knew of my grandmother; Lilian Frost?"

Maggie set down her cup, her face becoming more serious. "You're related to Lilian Frost?" The look on her face was strange. "A very good woman. It's a shame you had to come out here under the orders of the Noble House .. being the granddaughter of Lilian will make all of this so much more difficult."

Kat's eyes narrowed. "Make what more difficult?"

"This." Maggie held up her hand and there was a sudden coldness in the room. The door swung shut, as did the blinds on her small window. The room grew darker, and Maggie's kind, round face, suddenly looked quite malevolent as she stared at them.

Kat looked around her, her heart racing. "A confinement spell!" She said, and rose to her feet, only to find her head spinning as she stumbled backwards. "Drugged," she slurred.

"I didn't want to, Maggie said, her voice sounding remorseful, but determined. "But I won't be driven from my home."


Outside, as Arthur stood watch, he heard in the distance a shout, and emerging from the trees were three men and a woman; all dressed in leather armour and brandishing cheap swords. Their unkempt appearance could only mean they were bandits, and they were headed straight for the cottage.
Word count: 645

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Arthur Claymore »

The thing was, in spite of what Arthur had said, his intentions weren't quite as clear as keeping guard. His arming sword and parrying dagger were already in hand once the trio had entered the home. And he was just about to embark on the path forward to hunt down the bandits through their tracks when the quartet of them came ambling through the trees. The shout had given him a direction and even before they appeared he was moving to meet them where he believed from which they would emerge. Swords already drawn which betrayed their intent to do harm. He wasted little time, he didn't come from directly in front of them, rather he had had made a line so that he was to their right when they emerged. This meant that they weren't likely to see him as they broke through the tree lines, crouched down at the trunk of a tree as he was. His first attack was fast and immediate, he barreled in to the man to the farthest left, his dagger driving into the thick muscle at the back of his shin and slashing across it to sever it completely with one swift motion to debilitate the leg completely. Even if he lived when this was over, he would live with a limp. Arthur, didn't go down with the man, rather he would rise with the slash and aim the point of his dagger up into the next nearest body. Another of the men, the tip of the blade was angled to drive upward from at the hip, slipping under the protection of the leather chest piece to bury itself up into the man's organs, piercing the stomach and kidney.

A twist of his body brings his sword swinging to slam, flat-ended across the back of the skull of the female even as the flick of his wrist with the rotation would bring his dagger free of the body he had just impaled. Hard steel to the back of the head should leave the woman disoriented and stumbling even as Arthur turned that twist into a forward lunge to drive that tip of the now raised sword into the neck of the last of the men, the blades point seeking to pierce through the carotid and larynx in one smooth motion. He said nothing and was currently unaware of what was transpiring in the home not too far removed from his current position.
Word count: 409
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