[Mature] Joining the Family [Completed]

Katarya and Ksenia decide if they want to be officially inducted into the Goose family.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Ksenia »

Returning to her room, Ksenia tried to work on the embroidery for another bag, but her hands trembled too hard. She set the blue silk down on the table, smoothing it. Ksenia unrolled her bedroll and sat down in the middle, her blanket wrapped around her like a misshapen cloak.

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And she waited for the day to be over.
Word count: 59
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

Cook laughed when Artemis spoke, a single sharp bark of painful amusement. "Here I am, holding him like a son, and the first thing he does is greet a lady and have a different one fawning. That does certainly seem like him," he said with a rueful shake of his head. "You though," he said to Katarya, the smile not leaving his face. "You need to learn how to follow directions or ask better questions. Robert, if she asks you're welcome to share whatever you feel like about your talents." Cook gently laid Artemis onto the floor and rose, swiping at some specks of mess on his pants. His expression faded to the neutral stone mask he so often wore as he moved behind his desk.

"Deborah, help Miss Frost get the boy back to his room. I imagine he'll need some sleep and wake up a bit fuzzy. Once he's up, Katarya, you get to feed him. Force it if you have to, and get both of you a bath. You reek of sex," he said, the barest hint of a smile in his eyes. "You're all dismissed until I can make sure everything is prepared here for the coming storm."

Robert immediately began to move back to his places of work and Deborah made to lift Artemis' feet. "Oh, and my condolences Deborah. I know you fancied him, but there'll be many others," Cook said without looking up from another report he was scanning.
Word count: 246
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya blushed, despite the dire nature of the situation. Smelled of sex? She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. Then when he mentioned Deborah being sweet on Artemis, she gave the woman an awkward smile, as if in apology, when the two women get Artemis to his feet. Kat glanced back at Cook; her haughtiness was broken. "Thank you." She said.

Her eyes also drifted to Robert but her gaze carried forth her mixed feelings towards the man. She still held some anger at not being told exactly what had happened to Artemis, but there was also a reluctant, yet powerful, gratitude for bringing back the man she had fallen for. She gave him a nod, as they left the room.


Whatever Robert had done, Nyx seemed pleased with it, and she seemed much more enthused to be around Artemis. Kat had to order her back to her own shoulder while they got him back to their room.

Once in, they helped him to the bed. Katarya rose as she helped him to sit, and turned to Deb. "Thank you for your help." She said. Then ... "I know it's hardly your job, but I'm terribly worried about poor Ksenia. I doubt the girl has seen much of this kind of thing ... I haven't, and I'm a Ny'tha blessed witch! Would you mind checking on her? Or having someone at least pop their head in and see if she's okay? I don't mind being summoned if she need anything, once I've got this one sorted out." She said, with a glance to Artemis.


Kat knelt in front of the man she had given herself to, undoing and pulling off his boots. She glanced up at him with a sardonic raised brow. "If you ever die again; I'll kill you. She said, then started to undo his shirt (something which he could probably have managed himself, but ... well ...) "I appear to be under strict orders to get you better, and if you think Cook can be bossy, then you haven't been 'stepping out' with a Frost woman!"

The bath had been drawn for them, and she motioned to it. "You first; I think you need it more than I do ... to relax." She rose and shook her hair from the knot. "Then food, then sleep." She nodded to him. "You have your orders, Hand."
Word count: 395

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis felt like he'd been in a back alley brawl with a goose down pillow; except he'd been the one to get his stuffing knocked out. He winced when she called him Hand. He would have to make her stop doing that before it became a habit. "What time even is it?" he asked groggily as he shuffled over to the tub. "And why does it smell like sex?" he finished frowning intensely as he slid into the water. "Is this some sort of taunting to get me into bed, or-" he said, trailing off as the water's relaxing heat seeped into his muscles.

His head felt almost like it was bursting. He remembered a lot of things suddenly, but they all felt very far away. 'We'd gone for the book, Marcy fought a mage, took his heart, then she fought me,' thoughts spiraled through his head and evaporated. He decided he'd need to have a good long think after the bath, food, and a nap.a
Word count: 168
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya picked up his discarded clothes and began to fold them (though she had taken a moment to take a good look at his naked form. However it might please her, it was clear he had lost some weight, and looked so tired). "Well, I'm sure things will come back to you after a little food and rest ... speaking of which! she said, as a knock came at the door.

She gave the swain her thanks and brought in the food, setting it down on the table and making her way to the tub. She knelt behind him and put her arms around him, kissing his neck. "I told you once and I will tell you again ... 'don't die'!" She assisted him by giving his hair a thorough wash, using her fingers to lather in the soap and massaging his scalp.

If he ever dared tell anyone she was folding his clothes and washing his hair for him, then she'd deny it with everything she had.

When she felt his head begin to droop, she took his face in her hands, gave him a soft kiss, and took his arm. "Time for food before you go to sleep. I made a promise." She wrapped him in a towel and helped his faltering steps to the bed, where she pushed the plate in front of him. "As much as you can manage," she said, her tone taking on a familiar one to her, like talking to a patient in her shop. "Then rest. I'll stay here until you fall asleep."
Word count: 259

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Artemis Black »

"I like when your hair is down," he said, between small bites of food. "The way it sits around your face and highlights your neck. Makes a man want to do things." Artemis smiled around a roll as he shoved it into his mouth. He both was ravenously hungry and struggling to not slump over as he chewed. "Someone did magic on me, a lot. Was it you? Nothing else makes me feel so absolutely garbage," he mused at her before taking a deep drink of water.

He felt a twinge in his jaw and put down the roasted potato he was about to bite. "I'm too tired for any more food. Can I get more kisses though, they were nice," he said as he pushed the plate away and started to slide down into the pillows. His eyes closed and his breathing slowed, but the smile stayed on his lips.
Word count: 151
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia huddled in the corner as the sun crept across the sky. A knock on the door echoed through the room. “Ksenia? Are you there? You all right?” Deb’s voice called. Ksenia tried hard to hold her breath in an effort to be silent, but she could still hear her ragged breathing. Deb tried the door, but Ksenia had locked it. “If you want anything - food or drink - come down to the kitchen, then.” Footsteps echoed, fading as Deb left.

Maybe she could get some tea. It might calm her nerves a bit, give her a chance to move and unclench her muscles. Ksenia pressed against the wall to lever herself up, wincing slightly as her tightly coiled legs unkinked themselves enough to let her stand. She unlocked the door and slipped through the door to the servants' stairs.

Once in the kitchen, she saw a few swains and wenches cleaning or talking by the back door, but no one reacted to her entering. Ksenia moved quietly to the shelves where the spare mugs were kept and took one down, scraping it slightly against the wood in the process.

"Spirits take me, woman, what do you want now?" growled Robert. Ksenia flinched against the shelves.

"S-sorry, I just came for tea, I'll get out-" Ksenia stammered.

"Oh, Ksenia. Sorry. Thought you were the Witch. That woman is dancing on my last nerve." He sighed. "Here, hand me your mug and I'll get you tea."

“No! I mean, it’s fine, I can get it myself. No need for you to do that!” Ksenia rambled. She gave him her best attempt at a smile, which was greatly marred by her still-red eyes. “I’m sure you’ve got more important things to do.” She swallowed and pressed her hands to the mug she held. “H-how is Artemis?”

“He’ll be all right, given time.” Robert frowned slightly at her. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing! I’m fine! No worries!” she responded in an excess of clearly false cheer. Ksenia had begun to move slowly back toward to the fires and the ever-ready tea. She backed into a wash basin and started slightly, shifting into a turn. She rushed over to the tea, filled her mug, and scurried out as quickly as she could. Robert watched her leave, his brows knitting together in concern.
Word count: 394
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya was pleased she wasn't the blushing kind. "You don't have to sweet-talk me into bed, Mr. Black; we're already sharing one!"

When he had finished with his food, he got into bed and his tiredness took over him, Kat sat for a moment, stroking his hair until his breathing became steady and she was sure he was asleep. She gave him a soft kiss, and smiled as Nyx warbled. "Hush, you." She said, smiling.

She took her time in the bath, allowing the water to almost grow cold before she stepped out. She glanced at Artemis, as if checking he was still breathing, the fear in her stomach at what she had learned had not truly left her. He had died ... And, now he was back.

Katarya needed to thank Robert.

Despite his sweet words about her hair, she ritualistically tied it into a braid, and pulled on her clothes. She would save her more 'relaxed' look for when eyes (other than Artemis') were not on her. She had an image to maintain, after all.

Stepping out into the Goose, she felt a little self-conscious; how many people had she angered? She needed to make preparations. Moving over to one of the staff who didn't look too busy, she tapped her shoulder. "I'm sorry to trouble you, but if you could get a message to Mr ... erm, Robert; I;d like to talk to him. And be sure to tell him it's nothing bad." She didn't want him to come to her (if he did) with hackles raised and ready for battle.

She took a seat while she waited.
Word count: 270

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Artemis Black »

Robert sighed as Ksenia left like a frightened mouse. Something was clearly wrong with the woman, but he didn't have the slightest idea what. All he'd managed to figure out was she was walking on eggshells in glass slippers. He moved back to cleaning the last of the used meat hooks before he settled in with a nice drink. Idly, he tugged at the link to Marcy and felt its pulse back. She was alive, though not getting any better. Then a bored-looking swain caught his attention. "Witch wants you, booths," he said before moving to talk with a few other staff.

Robert moved up to the side of the booth and nodded to Katarya. "I appreciate you not barging in this time, you wanted something specific or?" he asked her, letting the word hang in the air.
Word count: 138
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat nodded her head a the half rebuke/thanks, determined to try and mend a bridge (that might be shattered beyond all hope). "I apologise if I'm catching you at a busy time," she said, choosing her words carefully. "But I want to apologise." She smiled. "And the last time I did that, it was to my grandmother, and almost court-ordered!" She cleared her throat at the lame attempt at a joke.

"Robert; I had no idea what I was seeing back there. I'm a witch, sure, but I'm also twenty-two and have no one to teach me anything. I am trying to make sense of things, and ... well I am sorry I gave you such a hard time over Artemis. You saved him, and I am in your debt." She glanced up at him. "And I mean that; if there is anything I can do to repay what you did, then I shall do whatever I can." She faltered, not knowing what else to say. She wanted to ask how he had done what had, but she thought it might come across as rude.

"Anyway ... I know I'm difficult ... I wish I wasn't, but I am. It's how I have survived all of this. I will sincerely try not to piss you, or anyone else, off ... I'll do my very best." She watched him, almost holding her breath. Would he dismiss her? Accept it? Shout?

Kat was on the back foot; she had been for a while, and only her pride and arrogance had kept her from wilting. But now was a time to try and fit in with these people; the people who were helping her.
Word count: 278

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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