The Bearded Siren

Domrhask, with eight magnificent towers, is Khy'eras' northernmost city governed by Dwarves. A cautious group due to past incidents, Dwarves do not easily invite adventurers inside and disapprove of magic in their city, no matter the type. Read more...
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Re: The Bearded Siren

Post by Vent »

"Ironview huh, I recall a very old dwarf by the name of Khull from that family. No Khulgrim, though the way dwarves are about their clans hard to say how near in blood. They do tend to have similar names with close family relations." Vent somehow felt the atmosphere in the bar change, but couldn't place it so he continued talking. "Well if you're looking for a job I have one that I could use help with." Unfortunately, before the elemental could elaborate the brawl started.

"Misanyt's gaze trouble is upon us. Trevor guard the bar would you." The minature dragon turtle nodded and reluctantly stopped eating. Then his companion started glaring around the bar looking fierce. One dwarf a little smaller than Vent tried to use the fight to get free booze. Trevor coughed lightly giving the attempted thief a first degree burn for their trouble. The dwarf screamed in pain and fled away from the bar.

With that Vent hopped down from his bar stool. He flipped a nearby table for two and used it as a rolling bludgeon. At least until it broke apart then the ranger took two table legs and started laying about with his makeshift clubs. He kept dropping brawlers, but more came at him.

Meanwhile, the young server who was part of the argument that started the whole thing was knocked out. The old bartender laughed and took a mug from the boys tray and hurled it at Tazroth. "I did you snake come an get me. If you can get off your fat duff long enough to fight a real dwarf!" The old bartender was drunk and overconfident. However, he had some grounds for it. Since he had fought off many orc and goblin raids in his life. He even beat a giant once with his trusty warhammer. He did always forget he was part of a scouting party at the time. When he was deep in his cups anyway.
Word count: 328
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Tazroth Ilix
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Re: The Bearded Siren

Post by Tazroth Ilix »

A wicked grin split Taz's face as he moved, catching the tankard in mid-air. He turned to see the elemental ranger as brawlers tried to drop him. Taz stepped around, and hurled the tankard like a missile towards the cluster of dwarves attacking the elemental. "Hey, kid, if we survive, tell me about that job!" he called out before spinning back around to face the bartender who wanted to challenge him. "Y'know, I've been looking forward to a good fight for a while. Let's see what you've got, has-been!" Taz let out a laughing roar - more of glee than of rage - and charged towards the old bartender, eyes glowing in arrogant triumph.

Kulgrim had taught Tazroth a lot about dwarves in the one thrashing the dwarf had given him. Trying to just punch them was akin to trying to punch a large rock - granted, it could be done, but it would expend a lot of effort for not a lot of reward. But there were ways, and the last 300 years had taught Taz a trick or two. For instance, if you could use their own strength against them, they'd just destroy themselves. There were certain monks that Tazroth had met over his travels that had ways of movement that were designed to do just this.

Taz had a more direct method.

As the dwarf prepared to attack, Taz lowered his body, charging his shoulder straight into the dwarf's belly, throwing the entire weight of his much heavier body at the dwarf. As the bartender stumbled, he threw a wild haymaker, catching Taz in the side of the head. Taz grimaced as the fist slammed into his jaw, but he powered through it, before seizing the old bartender around the chest with his great hands, and with a concentrated effort slowly started lifting him off the ground. "Heavy bastard." Taz grunted as he slowly hefted the dwarf off of his feet, before lifting the squirming dwarf straight over his head. He held him up there for a few seconds, as the dwarf squirmed and yelled a variety of things Tazroth didn't care to understand. He considered hurling him into the ring, but he figured the old dwarf only needed to be taken down a peg or two. "Now, you can either behave yourself, or I can hurl you down the mountainside, old-timer. Your choice."
Word count: 396
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Re: The Bearded Siren

Post by Vent »

A few things went thru his dwarven mind as he was held aloft by the barbarian. If he let the creature follow the issued threat, all his years complaining about non-dwarfs would be proven right. Also, the hammer would send the Ue'drahc to the prison island for murder. However, was it worth it to die this way. No he didn’t think so, but he was done with the Bearded Siren. They were too friendly to outsiders for his taste. So he yelled a few choice dwarven insults to save face. "Fine let me down and I'll leave, no one will ever say an Ironview doesn't keep their word on my account!" The bartender waited prepared to continue the fight if necessary.

As this went on pockets of fighting were all around. Goldy had managed to diffuse several herself. She was considered a great beauty of dwarven kind. So when someone skilled at fighting bare handed was that pretty several men and women lost their spirit.

Vent was thinking to himself as he moved to support her was this what love felt like. She was a battle maiden for sure. How would he even tell her? His parents were no help since he hadn’t seen them in years. Oh well, at least there were plenty more angry dwarves to fight.

He narrowly escaped a blow to the back of his head as Goldy took them out. So the ranger jumped over her and tackled two brawlers that tried her open back. He rolled to his feet and realized in his defense of her he had accidently caused large first degree burns to her assalients. He had to be more careful about that. However, her brilliant smile made it worth it. A table leg too each head knocked them out and relieved their pain for now. So he looked around to see how Tazroth faired.
Word count: 315
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