[Mature] A Life Worth Living [Completed]

The Thief and The Witch go in search of things needed to keep on in the world

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat watched Robert work with no small amount of awe; he was much more experienced and powerful than she, and she would keep that in mind.

As the scene unfolded, she realised it was a kind of divination magic; he was seeing what had gotten Artemis into this state. But Robert's words made little sense to her. Artemis had head-butted Marcy? Why? Weren't they on the same team?

The Witch took the bottle with a nod at the instructions. It felt strange to be on this side of things; usually it was her lecturing people on taking their medicine! When he mentioned her wrist, she nodded. "I can handle my wrist. I just need a day or so, and I can speed up the healing process."

His words chilled her, when he spoke of Marcy. He obviously blamed Artemis for her situation, but all the same, her eyes narrowed at the suggestion of him 'ripping out his soul'. 'We'll see. She thought, but kept silent.

When Robert left, she felt relieved. Even though he was helping, it was obvious that the 'spook's' loyalties lie with Marcy. Kat would have to keep watch, and so, when the men began to move him, she made herself clear. "I'll be staying with him," she declared. A room with two beds, or a double ... or I'll sleep on the floor if I have to." She told them firmly.

When Artemis was settled in bed, Kat stripped to her under-garments, and climbed into bed next to him. She knew she should eat, but after she had made a splint for her wrist (one of the men had been kind enough to help her), and washed the blood from her face, all she could think of was sleep. She was exhausted, body and mind. Despite Robert's treatment of him, she still put a hand to his head; warm and clammy, but it was to be expected.

She lay beside him, the box that had been the cause of all of this was by the bed, containing her Book and that strange orb, which she had not mentioned to anyone (and had the feeling she had done the right thing by keeping it a secret). She lay her head on the pillow, and moved closer to him. She was careful not to put any weight on him, so she just lay a hand on his bare chest, and gave his cheek a soft, long kiss. Then she fell into a well-earned slumber.


She woke up to a horrible headache. Artemis was still asleep, but it was certainly time for more of the concoction from Robert. She slid from the bed and took a long drink of the lukewarm water that had been brought up. Also on the table was some food, mostly fruit, cheese, butter, and crusty bread. Her mouth watered at the thought, but she wanted to see to Artemis first.

Taking the bottle, she moved to his side of the bed and stroked his hair. "Time for your medicine." She said, softly, lifting his head and putting the bottle to his lips, letting the specified amount go into his mouth. Hopefully he would awaken enough to drink it rather than inhale it.

She sighed, as she looked at him. "By Ny'tha, I'm so sorry."

After that, she got to eating, sharing some of the fruit with Nyx, who had stood vigil overnight. Since her familiar had let her sleep while the food had been brought in, it seemed they were safe - for now. She needed news, however. She still didn't feel strong enough to use her powers to help with her wrist; she needed a little more rest. But information was a must, especially if Marcy had been killed; that put Artemis' life at risk.

But the heart inside that crystal ball ...

Opening the box, she felt the familiar tinge of her grandmother's essence; the enchantments the old woman have woven into the wood. It made her feel a little stronger.

She took out the crystal ball, grimacing a little at the disembodied heart inside. "Let's see if you can tell me something ... she said, setting it on the floor and placing her good hand on the smooth surface of the glass. She closed her eyes and summoned the small amount of magic she had. Láta mirima. She whispered, in Elvish.

Her vision clouded over, and for a moment, she saw nothing, but heard a voice.

"... been kept somewhere .... alive ...."

Kat's brow furrowed as she tried to focus on the words. Then there was another voice. ...my Lord ... apologies. House Nyshasa ...

Kat's breath was suddenly caught in her throat, as she felt herself suddenly the focus of one of the voice's concentration. Whoever it was, this Lord ... he was a mage, and he was sensing her, and she couldn't break free, she was being ...

Then she fell back, as Nyx was flapping wildly in front of her, breaking the connection with her own peculiar power. Kat was panting, and beads of sweat had gathered on her forehead. She took a deep breath, then stroked the raven's head. "Thank you," She said.

After she felt a bit stronger, she got to her feet. 'House Nyshasa ...'


Fully dressed, but looking a lot less respectable than her previous outings to the Goose (the bruises, the more modest clothing .. even her hair was free of the braid, simply held at her neck with a kerchief), she flagged down one of the servers. "I need to talk to Robert."
Last edited by Katarya Frost on October 12th, 2019, 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 922

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Artemis Black »

The swain stared at her for a moment and then turned to lead her to an inner kitchen door. "Don't touch anything," he said, motioning to the swinging door. The room was filled with hanging hooks. Many of them bore meats in various states of processing; pheasants, chickens, pigs, and haunches of animals Katarya couldn't identify.

Robert was working on a large stone table with deep grooves cut into its surface. He expertly sliced into a large slab of meat with a brilliantly white bone knife, extracting the white bone from the flesh with smooth cuts. He set the freed bone aside and placed the large hunk of meat onto a hook near a door to the main kitchen. Turning back, the butcher spotted Katarya and sighed. He walked to a basin set in the wall and washed his arms and knife. Drying his hands on a stained towel, he walked over to Katarya.

"Kat, was it?" he asked her, rubbing his hands together to warm them. "He can't be awake yet, so you must want something," he said as he raised a brow at her. "She's still alive by the way, hurt, but her spirit still holds her heart," he added before she could reply.
Word count: 206
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat shot the swain a nasty look, before turning her attention to Robert. "Katarya Frost," She replied. "And you have preempted my enquiry. I was here to ask after Marcy, but also to offer some informaiton that might help in locating her." She said. "I used some divination magic, and I heard something. I can't really tell you much, as without the proper tools, my expertise in that area is sadly lacking. But I believe she is being held by someone from House Nyshasa ... I know that sounds a little crazy ... but anything I can do, you need only ask ... once Artemis is better, I mean." She offered.

But his wording was confusing to her, even though it must have something to do with the orb ... was that Marcy's heart in there? If so, how was she still alive? "What do you mean by that?" She asked, curiously.
Word count: 148

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

Artemis felt like he was floating somewhere deep underwater. There was a moment of panic as he tried to breathe, but it faded away as quickly as it had come. He felt like he was freezing to death, but his chest and head were burned with fire. Without warning, he faded into black and resurfaced as if blinking. He wasn't sure if time had a meaning in this place. Then she was there, gentle hands, cooling the fire in his chest. He couldn't see her, but the feeling was unmistakable. He was not alone, and with that comfort, he stopped struggling and tried to rest.

Robert listened to Katarya with ever-widening eyes. "I- I knew they'd come eventually, but now, of all the times." He rubbed his face with his hand and groaned as he thought. "Nothing we can do without Cook, and he's gone for another day," the butcher said, shaking his head. "As for Marcy, I'm her-" he blushed deeply red and took a calming breath. "Her soulbound. I own her heart, literally," he tapped at his own chest as he said this. "She found out what I can do, and asked to bond with me one day when we-" Robert trailed off and looked away, his blush deepening even further. He cleared his throat and turned back towards her, "Suffice to say, I can sense her state, though not with much precision at this distance. I know she's hurt, but not dying." He shrugged and elaborated further, "In exchange, I help keep her contained, her abilities aren't her own."

Robert moved away from Katarya back to his work table. "If there's nothing else you need for now, write this down and wait for Cook to return," he said as he unhooked a plucked pheasant.
Word count: 297
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat listened carefully as Robert old her about the bond he shared with Marcy. Should she give him the orb? He was clearly in pain but ...

Marcy and Artemis had gotten into a situation, and they had fought. If Marcy was as dangerous as Artemis and Robert had both hinted at, then Kat wanted to be sure Artemis was going to be safe before she handed it over. She nodded her head slightly, as he turned away. "I shall. And I am sure we can get Marcy back soon."


Kat sat on the floor with the Book of Shadows open before her. She was turning the pages, looking for something that might help them ... any of them! But the Book had always been a frustrating thing. It had so many spells and charms, and much more, but almost all of which was beyond her power. When she was older, perhaps she could master some of this.

If she lived that long.

She glanced over her shoulder to Artemis, looking at his bruised face for a long time, then back to the Book, though she was lost in thought.

House Nyshasa.

Kat had been in the library of their grand estate. There were always rumours that they did not adhere to the strict 'no magic' law that Fellsguard wa swell known for, but this ... Who were they after? Robert seemed to imply they were coming for him ... but the mage's thugs had been in her shop, and it wasn't as if she were in the Goose's employ. What were they after? Or who?

Katarya closed the book and got to her feet. 'I guess I'll have to find out.' She shot Artemis another look, knowing he would not approve of this at all. It was probably foolish, but she wasn't going to sit around and do nothing. What if they turned up tomorrow? She had to know more.

Throwing her cloak around her shoulders, and calling Nyx to her, she gave Artemis a soft kiss on his lips, whispering "I'll be careful." Before heading out the door.


The Goose seemed busy, and so she was forced to catch a swain as he hurried by. "I need a scout, she said, bluntly. "Someone who doesn't look like they don't know what a bath is, preferably. I'll wait here." Nyx chattered in amusement, as she took a seat at a small table. "What?" She said, to the raven. "I might be dead tomorrow; no point in standing on ceremony every time I have to talk to these people!
Word count: 426

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Artemis Black »

The swain gave her a look, the kind she was getting a lot lately from the staff. It was clear they were growing unhappy with her disregard for protocol, but none of them seemed willing to confront her directly about it. "I'll tell the men," he said as he continued off on his serving route.

Several minutes passed before a broad-chested man in a tight tunic approached Kat's table. His skin was swarthy but unmarred, and his eyes were a shining chestnut. "You're the Ulna looking for a scout," he asked her. His voice was deep and velvety, like a fine cognac. "I'm Terrance, the only Eye currently unassigned. I offer my Sight," he said, his tone sounding suddenly formal.
Word count: 120
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat raised a brow as Terrence introduced himself. She still wasn't sure what all these positions meant; though some seemed obvious; the Knife, the Hand. She was, however, appreciative of his formal introduction. Kat liked formality and respect, it made her feel like 'her' again; the business owner and upstanding member of the community (even if she was a witch).

When he addressed her as an 'Ulna', she supposed it was another word for 'Spook'; she would have to try and get used to the lingo if she were to be around these people often. She gave him a small smile. She had a large bag by the side of her chair. Something heavy and round was inside it, but she was hardly going to show him that.

"It's a pleasure," she said. "And thank you. Though you might not want the job yet. I intend on getting inside House Nyshasa." She watched him to see his reaction, "I've been in there before; to their library only, but I should have no trouble getting in, and you ... she gave a small smile. "Look quite respectable. No offence to anyone else who works here, but I can hardly turn up to the one of the Noble Houses with someone sporting ragged clothes and bearing daggers."

She leaned forward. "My plan is simple; get inside and try and find someone .. this isn't a rescue ... unless the opportunity presents itself and doing so would be easy, which I doubt. It is purely a matter of getting some intelligence. For payment ... well, I am stacking up a lot of debt here, so I'm afraid I can't pay anything upfront. If that's a deal breaker; I understand." She said this, desperately hoping it wouldn't be. She'd go on her own, if necessary, but she didn't want to.
Word count: 302

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Artemis Black »

Terrance nodded as she went along, his expression seeming not to shift beyond a faint smile. "I can do that well enough, though I cannot promise your safety if you encounter extended hostile magics," he offered with a tilt of his head. "Given the locale, the suddenness, and your creditor being unavailable, I'll ask for a favor two. If there is battle and injury, my expectation rises to a pair of favors," he said, holding up his long fingers.

When Katarya agreed, he offered her a hand and said, "I will gather my equipment and meet you here as soon as I am ready."

It took almost half an hour for Terrance to return. When he arrived, he was wearing a patterned fitted doublet with matching breeches. On his feet were polished dark boots fit for a fencer. He carried a rapier at his hip, and his shoulders bore a hood. Atop his head sat a pointed cap with a small goose feather held by a brooch. "I am prepared, and carry some minor trinkets for sudden changes in plan," he said to her, adopting a posture not unlike a house guard.
Word count: 192
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat had been tapping her fingers while she waited for Terrence, partly trying to figure out what she was even doing with this little venture, and partly because Terrence seemed to be taking his sweet time in getting ready.

However, Terrence did not disappoint.

She got to her feet as he approached, and gave him a quick smile. "Well, someone certainly scrubs up well." She picked up her bag and nodded. "Shall we?"


The trek through the streets was uneventful. Nyx had been ordered to stay out of sight but in range; she couldn't turn up to House Nyshasa with a raven on her shoulder; that was just asking for trouble. But as they entered the district of the upper classes, Kat was grateful for the cloak Artemis had got her, and for Terrence's dress and manner. They didn't stick out as much as they ought to; a witch and a ... whatever he was.

"I won't insult you by asking you let me do the talking," she said, as they reached House Nyshasa's gate. "I'll be sure to listen to any advice should we wind up in a pickle. But if I'm lucky ..." When they got closer, she had a pleased expression on her face. "This should do, just fine."

"Good morning, Miss Frost." A man stood in a sort of booth, it might have been a guardhouse, but the man inside was certainly not a guard. He wore a fine doublet and hose, and had the look of someone more comfortable with a pen than a sword. "It is a pleasure, and may I say that I was terribly sorry to hear about your shop. I hope you are well?"

News travels fast. Kat gave him a nod and smile. "I managed to land on my feet, Mr. Shaw, but thank you. I am staying with a friend, but continuing my work in the community. I thought I might take some time to polish up on my lore of a certain skin affliction that I have come across and my own library ..."

"Yes, yes. Of course." Mr. Shaw's eyes went to Terrence. "And you have brought a friend. Good day, sir." He said, eyeing the man over his spectacles.

Kat motioned to Terrence. "This is Terry," she said, feeling stupid for not coming up with a better alias ... but she was tired! "Since some of my work means I have to go to some ... unsavoury places; I have hired Terry to make sure the locals don't hassle me. I hope it's okay if he joins me in the library? He's ... her's interested in herblore." She finished, lamely.

Mr. Shaw glanced between them. Then wrote something down inside a large book on a table inside the booth. "I don't see any reason why not." He glanced up at Terrence. "Knowledge is worth more than gold," he said, sagely. "In you go; just an hour, if you please."


Kat was still not used to the fancy decor of House Nyshasa. She had visited this, House Enlann, but never the others. Enlann seemed more modest, but House Nyshasa didn't hold back in it's display of prosperity. "I would advise against feeling 'light-fingered' ... anything of value has magic wrapped into it. Bloody hypocrites."

They took a long hall, her boots tapping on the tiles beneath, and finally entered a grand library. After checking in with the librarian, she motioned for Terrence to follow her, moving down one of the isles that took them both outside the vision of any of the others who were using the place. She knelt to the floor, and put her hands inside her bag, placing her hands on the strangely warm globe. Cesta .. she whispered the searching spell.

For a moment, nothing happened, and then she saw it:

Marcy was laying on a large table, hands and feet shackled by unusually heavy restraints, all metal. She was unconscious, and her face heavily bruised - they had really one to town on the young woman. She seemed to be unconscious, eyes closed and breathing shallow. The room itself didn't look like a typical holding cell; it was quite pretty actually, if dark. Someone was next to her, but all she could see was a shadow. It was leaning over her, speaking in a voice that she couldn't understand. Whoever he or she was, was a mage, she was sure of that. But she couldn't make him out.

So she pushed. "Láta." She said, increasing the spell's potency, causing a bead of sweat to trickle down her face.

And then the shadow jerked upright. For a moment, Kat got a glance of a man, perhaps in his fifties, looking around with narrowed eyes. He wore clothing of such finery, that he could only be a member of the Noble family. And he knew he was being watched. He growled out something, and Kat's vision turned to black.

Gasping, she reeled back, hitting her head on the bookshelf behind her. She looked up at Terrence as she rose. "We need to leave ... right now."
Word count: 844

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Artemis Black
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Artemis Black »

Terrance hadn't ignored the wildly shifting expressions on the Witch while he guarded her. He idly compared her straining to the fishermen bailing out a sinking ship. She started slow, working at the problem, then quickly escalated to frantic effort, before finally declaring they should abandon ship. "As you say, Ulna," he said, gripping her arm and guiding her with restrained but hurried steps.

They got halfway down the hall before an armored man stepped out of a doorway ahead of them. The guard seemed surprised at first, then shook himself and shouted the alarm. Terrance turned immediately and pushed Katarya through a small servant's door. The steps were tight and barely lit, but he hustled her upwards at a near run. "We're going to head towards a balcony. Don't stop until you're on the third floor and outside," he said as they moved up the spiral stairs.

When they burst out onto the third floor, there were already several armored guards, and two robed figures, moving towards them. Terrance passed the Witch a small brown animal carving as he moved her reached her on the balcony. "Take this, jump, and activate it. Do not use it before you jump, do not forget to activate it," he said, shoving her towards the balcony railing.
Word count: 214
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