Recipe close to heart

A recipe fit for Faryv's Dawn

Verdant Row can be chaotic or peaceful to a fatigued adventurer. Managed by spirits, this town serves as a temporary stop for a person to rest and eat. If there is no trouble about, a stay here is lovely, due to the nearby picturesque scenery. Read more...
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Cirice Vaisha
The Wildling Pirate
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Recipe close to heart

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

A recipe close to heart. Written by Cirice Vaisha, Captain of the Hellion

"I am not good with this sort of thing. Writing has always been something I avoided like a plague. However this time I feel like I can make an exception, even if this pathetic excuse of a holiday doesn't mean shit to me."

"This recipe will give you a brief overview of how to get your own rum, a drink close to my heart and one that I have enjoyed for over fifty years"

"Firstly, the ingredients. You will need a healthy amount of molasses(if you do not know what that is or where to get it, raw sugarcane will do as well). If you want a sweeter rum, the sugarcane will work better."

"What you will want to do next is to cut up the sugarcane and then use it as a snack as you get ready to go buy some rum like a normal bloody person. Seriously, stop trying to cheap out and go support the damn breweries. Otherwise they go out of business and I have no means of properly celebrating a successful venture with my men."

"And at the end of the day, I'm sure any captain worth their salt will tell you they'd rather have their sailors three sheets to the wind than face a withdrawal-induced mutiny."

"There you go. My letter of love to my favourite drink in the world. If you don't agree that it is by far the best, most tradition-rich, most economic liquor in the world, I have no idea why you are still reading this."

"With love,
Captain Cirice Vaisha"
Word count: 274
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