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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Nirdor »

Character: Dessrexin
Topic: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=250#p2055 A dragon in Fellsguard?

"My teacher calls me Dez, and I'm looking for a performer." The dragon gave his best smile following his words.

"Oh really aren't we all, isn't that right soldiers." The three other warriors nodded in unison. The youngest gave an extra wink. "Right, but you look like a thief to me. So watch yourself kid, we take pride in our job. Stay out of trouble and move along."
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Kit Heron
Topic Link: Kit Heron


He doubted very much his master would be upset if Kit died of an infected wound. If anything, he’d probably beat Kit’s cold corpse for the inconvenience.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Haley »

Character: Katarya Frost
Topic Link: New Life and Old Doubt


"Let no man stand before a Frost woman and show we deserve anything other than respect, beyond all."
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Haley »

Character: Raen SIlver
Topic Link: A Sickly Singer


"Tell me the absolute truth .. unless it's bad news then lie to me and I shall go and drink myself to death, lamenting the best thing I had going for me; being absolutely gorgeous."
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Spirits of Adventure
Topic Link: [Mature] Make Merry While the Weather Shines


Quite a few faces turned from their food to look at her - and in that moment, June started to understand why this job might not have been for everyone. Some of these guys looked like they wrestled bears (wait, there were a few sailors here - maybe they wrestled octo-bears?) just for the fun of it.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Jourin Argall
Topic Link: A Dose of Consequence


"Put me to work," she said, a little tonelessly. "I have some skill with a hammer. Not much. I am strong."

With this glowing assessment of her own capabilities complete, she stood and waited for her orders.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Artemis Black
Topic Link: Under Wraps


"Kess- Ksenia, I have had this at least seven times, and only vomited twice. Those are great odds." Ksenia put her head against her fist, shaking her head.


Character: Itzcohuatl
Topic Link: Danger in the Water


He had often come to the narrows as it was rarely travelled by others and so its rich waters made an ideal place to hunt for food – large schools of fish made a nice change in his diet. Not to mention there was something exhilarating even after nearly three centuries of gliding just above the water, seeing your reflection shimmer below you, and to feel the cool spray of the salt water as he dipped his head below to catch something. It was a little thing, silly really, but he still enjoyed it even as he was becoming too old for such things.


Character: Finn Roberts
Topic Link: Danger in the Water


"Cap'n! It's a dragon!" Logan hollered down, fear in his voice.

Finn's head snapped up. Logan's cry told him that the man was serious and not drunk at all. The men fell silent and looked at Finn. He had just opened his mouth to tell them to man the ballistae, when the Queen's prow entered between the first pillars.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Nirdor »

Character: The Capuche sisters
Topic: A Fell Night viewtopic.php?p=2151#p2151

"The night is always darkest before the dawn.
Creatures wait in the shadows seeking victims unwary.
Keep your hearts strong however for the seventh son's rest is never.
The night is always darkest before the dawn.
Blackest hearts prowl the night seeking to give all a fright.
Keep your wits about you and you shall see it thru.
The night is always darkest before the dawn.
When the rays of Ristgir touch the ground all will be profound.
Worry not when night comes again the seventh son's work is about to begin.
The night is always darkest before the dawn."
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Nirdor »

Character: Horus
Topic: A Fell Night viewtopic.php?p=2799#p2799


"If your here to save the day your late, It's already well past sunset. Thanks for believing in my talents with traps though. You literally put your lives in my hands." Every word dripped sarcasm though he wondered if the mortals picked up on it.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Quotes updated.
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