Walking under different stars

Verdant Row can be chaotic or peaceful to a fatigued adventurer. Managed by spirits, this town serves as a temporary stop for a person to rest and eat. If there is no trouble about, a stay here is lovely, due to the nearby picturesque scenery. Read more...
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Nedira Kir
Last of her clan
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Walking under different stars

Post by Nedira Kir »

The night seemed like any other during early spring. It's chilly, but not cold and the new moon made the stars seem brighter. However, normalcy is overated near a town built by ghost. A deep wolf's howl that sounded like a massive creature broke the silence. A strange crackling noise followed as a small void opened up in reality. Suddenly, a beautiful human woman appeared then the gap in existence closed as a huge black wolf followed behind her. "I am sorry Nedira. Madrin's final request may seem foolish to you, but you must live on as your entire clan wished. My power is nearly depleted I can help no more than as a reminder of the past. You are now the last of your clan do them honor in your new life." With those words the great wolf god Kir rapidly shrunk becoming a tattoo that covered the upper half of her back.

Once the black wolf was gone she dropped to her knees and began to cry. "Why father, I would've gladly died by your side? Perhaps with my help we could've defeated Gethe the demon of darkness forever? Now I may never know if the Blackwolf clan won, you stubborn man." Her tears continued to fall for awhile until she had none left in her.

Then, she looked in her gear for three leather strips of the right size for what she had in mind. "The first is for you father." The woman grabbed a third of her hair and meticulously braided it. "Second, is for clan Blackwolf." Another handful of hair of roughly the same amount was sculpted with care. "Last is for the rest of the world's people I left behind. Too never forget any of them." Her third braid finished her living monument.

With that the young warrior stood with pride. "I better find a sizable city so I can exchange my coin for local currency." She left the clearing she had appeared in until she found a road. She had no idea which direction to head so she closed her eyes and began to sing. "By land and sky show me where my fate lyes." Keeping her eyes closed she spun around three times and began to walk. After about ten minutes she opened her sight to the world again. Nothing in her past experiences could prepare her for what she saw. It was a bunch of strangely built buildings that didn’t seem quite right. Worst of all ghost were everywhere. Had she actually died rather than been saved?
Word count: 427
Nedira Kir
Last of her clan
25 / 25 HP
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Race: Human
Class: Bard and Fighter
Posts: 10
Joined: April 4th, 2020, 9:08 pm
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Re: Walking under different stars

Post by Nedira Kir »

When your mortal life can seem fleeting. However, she refused to let that stop her. Nedira marched foward and was unable to avoid every spirit. The first was a light purple human woman wearing a flowing gown that seemed elegant. The next was a man with pointed ears that reminded her of elves, but seemed different somehow. He was a dark green ghost wearing half-plate. Finally, a small winged woman that was blue wearing a performers outfit.

The last Blackwolf was reassured since she wasn't a solid color. Also, the fact that she passed thru them gave her a sense of weight compared to the intangible beings surrounding her. She managed to find a coin changer by wandering around asking questions of the locals. Though they didn't really speak, but pointing occurred frequently.

Nedira walked away carrying new coins. She started to look for an inn so she could sleep until the morning.

"Hey girl your pretty, how about we go on date? My friends and I rarely get this kind of opportunity." Nedira turned around and took in six human street toughs.

The fighter was annoyed and relieved at once. They were all alive, her hope was restored in that moment. Then she took up a defensive stance ready for the trouble ahead. "Sorry, none of you are my type I can tell. So walk away before this gets worse for you."

"You must be joking this is Verdant row. No soldiers enforcing the law here. So you better rethink fighting us. We have you outnumbered for sure. Come on boys let's get her." All six of them drew weapons and advanced.

She shook her head, they all had wide open stances. They must rely on strength over skill. Her warrior instincts took over as she drew her sword in a smooth practiced motion. Rather than wait she took the battle to them. Her fighting style revolved around wielding a one handed sword while using her other hand for defense. The first opponent fell to a pommel strike from her sword hilt. As he went down a nearby enemy tried to strike the back of her head. She used her momentum to drop low raising her free hand to grab his wrist. The man was surprised at her raw strength as she jerked using her whole body. His head hit the ground hard knocking him out. Her four remaining opponents tried to tackle her at once getting in each other's way. She took them all down with a series of sword and fist blows.

Normally a crowd would have formed to watch. However, no one alive was around. The ghost completely ignored the whole exchange. She did learn something though. This place is called Verdant row and law was nonexistent. She needed to find a place to stay so she left her unconcious foes behind.
Word count: 476
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