Investigations of Fraud in Fellsgard

House Lericyro sends an investigator to Black's at East Hall

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: Investigations of Fraud in Fellsgard

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

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Aleida listened intently to the pair as they reviewed the documents and offered her explanations. 'Always the most interesting portion of the interview, what reasoning is important to these two,' she thought as Artemis looked over the paperwork. 'Clearly they're used to being a pair, this is not a purely business relation,' she noted as the Craftmistress began to read aloud the first bit of paperwork.

Aleida offered a small polite but knowing smile at Artemis' quip. "I am certain that is the case, Mister Black. I have seen nothing to indicate otherwise," she offered despite the clear indication that the movable walls and central room were well-used for far more than simple construction. 'Not my concern, but perhaps worth a note in the file. Nothing wrong with building a rapport,' she thought behind the false smile.

She turned her attention back to Craftmistress Ksenia when she continued her examination, a flicker of a recognition curved her fine features as mention of Marcus Dolmon. 'A clean record, financials for Fisherman's bank. Not uncommon in the area, though have strict verification requirements,' she considered before refocusing. "Yes, a reputable and well-known group, certainly a reliable source of funds."

Looking back to the Craftmistress, she raised a brow as the name 'Thomas Schreiber' was uttered. 'The crux of the issue. The man who filed a simple document without the needed context and the wrong urgency,' she thought as her lips pressed into a frown of annoyance. She said nothing, listening to Ksenia's explanation quietly. When the woman was finished, Inspector Farlight removed a finely bound notebook and quickly recorded what had been said.

"Unfortunate- that perhaps explains some of the discrepancies," she said softly as the faint scratch of her pen continued to produce an exacting script. "Though I must ask, the records clearly indicate that the property document was lost following a series of events," she added, not looking up from her work. When the writing stopped, she removed a final document, the script matching her own, and presented it. "And yet the filed claimant's document is without blemish or issue. Do you have an explanation for how you came into possession of the claimant files then, Mister Black?" she asked as she slid the writing distinctly before him.
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Re: Investigations of Fraud in Fellsgard

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia blinked and began to tug the paper toward herself so that she could read it aloud for Artemis. She’d barely touched it when Inspector Farlight pinned it down to the table. "Pardon, but I am speaking to Mister Black," the Inspector said in a flat tone that was without malice but brooked no argument and her eyes flicked briefly to Ksenia to reveal a dangerous confidence.

Narrowing her eyes fractionally, Ksenia moved her hand away. She fought against pursing her lips or giving any outward sign that the Inspector had rattled her at all. ‘No point in showing her weakness,’ Ksenia thought, comparing the Inspector’s demeanor to Mam’s - although the Inspector’s had less of self-centered interest and more of expected compliance.

Artemis cleared his throat softly and looked over the page again, appreciating the fine precision of the writing and only having the vaguest inkling what some of the words might be. I- don't understand, Inspector," he said after a few moments of silent consideration. He looked up and found the unwavering and expectant eyes of Aleida. "I- don't mean the question, I mean the page. I- don't understand it. I can't read," he clarified with a wry twitch of a smile that only touched one side of his face.

Ksenia inhaled audibly and watched Artemis’ face. She knew he hated appearing less than competent at - well, anything, really. Turning back to the Inspector, she studied the other woman’s face for a reaction.
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Re: Investigations of Fraud in Fellsgard

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

'How do they handle being forced to account individually,' Inspector Farlight mused as she narrowed her focus to Artemis, watching for signs of distress or deceit. When Ksenia reached for the paper, Aleida acted quickly; her response quelling the idea that the situation was in any way outside her control. 'It is important everyone understands that our duties are absolute, and there is no room for negotiation,' she recalled, the instructions long drilled into the core of her professional composure.

Artemis had seemed unfazed by her sudden motion, beyond the faintest flick of his eyes. 'Clearly either a very experienced merchant, or something else entirely,' Aleida noted as the man began to speak. She prepared to press him further, but he forged onward with nary a pause. When he revealed his illiteracy she nodded fractionally. "Ah, apologies, Mister Black. I was not aware. If I may then?" she asked motioning to the paper.

When Artemis nodded she gave him a professional smile. "House Lericyro always does its best to accommodate all peoples, citizens or otherwise, in their business with Fellsgard," she prefaced before reciting the details of the short hand-written notes. "Now then, these are my personal notes and as such not an official inquiry in and of themselves. However, I am using them as the primary points of interest and would appreciate your full cooperation in answering each individually to facilitate this investigation."

Without collecting the paper on the table, or taking her attention away from Artemis in the slightest, she began. “The primary question relates to the origins of this document. As it was recorded as being destroyed in a fire, how did you come to obtain the claim to this property?”

Artemis frowned severely and shook his head. "No- that- that can't be, I mean I clearly had it and it didn't raise any trouble right?" he said, looking to his Craftmistress with plain confusion on his features.

Inspector Farlight nodded and continued, "And yet, while the document you submitted was perfectly in order, it contained information and markings not in use at the time of the original document's creation, nor was it noted as reissued. Finally, the document was far too clean, a perfect example of an unblemished piece, the sort that would only be found in the moments after issuance before another had laid a hand upon it."

Having delivered her final strike, Aleida felt a faint smile twitch at the edge of her lips. 'This will be the moment of balance, how will he answer,' she thought with all the pleasure of a predator approaching for the kill following an arduous hunt.
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Re: Investigations of Fraud in Fellsgard

Post by Ksenia »

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Keeping her movements as unobtrusive as she could, Ksenia laid her hand on Artemis’ thigh with a small squeeze. ‘I trust you to get us out of this,’ she thought, recalling the near-miracles he’d pulled off in one way or another. She pulled her hand back as she shifted in her seat, studying the Inspector.

Artemis' expression flipped through a flurry of emotions, though Ksenia could tell it was far slower than his usual speed of reaction. First there was anger, then disappointment, and finally grudging macabre amusement. He let out a morose chuckle and shook his head. "The Lady Fae takes her due," he offered by explanation before scrubbing his face. "I- would play games of chance with several acquaintances. Often for coppers, but on occasion the drink would flow and bets would- escalate. Had a game of dice like that a few games back, a few rounds got out of hand and in the end the bastard put a writ on the table."

The thief laughed again, this time with the faintest hint of mirth. "I cheated a few times at dice, we all cheated at our best games, and so this is my due. Can't believe I've thrown so much Idols-taken money into this place- for a veil's promise of a good life," he finished the last at a near whisper, his features having settled on devastated. He looked to Ksenia and gave her a bow of his head. "Sorry, to have wasted your time-"

Ksenia shook her head. "Not a waste - never a waste." She put her hand on his shoulder, giving him a pained smile. "Well - Inspector, since it seems the writ may be false, is there a way we could claim the building and have it reissued? With a payment, perhaps?" She looked at the inspector, searching for hope.
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Re: Investigations of Fraud in Fellsgard

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

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Aleida noticed the comfort offered in the faint rustle of clothing, finding nothing useful from it she kept her focus on Artemis' features. 'He wears expressions plainly, jumping from one to the next before he settles his thoughts,' she noted as he spoke. 'Mention of games, common among lower merchants, cheating, also common.' Inspector Farlight nodded minutely at the information, shaping a more complete picture of the situation.

When Mister Black turned his attention to his Craftmistress she shifted her focus between the two of them. 'Apology, genuine, feels remorse. Possibly truly unknowing. Options limited given admission-' Aleida considered as the pair spoke and Ksenia made her plea. After a moment of silence, she tapped her fingers on the table in a quick drum of thought. "Following the completion of the investigation, citizens in good standing could enact the protocols for such a request," she offered without specifics.

"Though, it would not be an immediate process," she hedged a breath later, all too familiar with the need to attach to a hope for those adrift. With a series of precise movements, she collected her scattered paperwork as she continued. "Mister Black, the primary purpose of the investigation today was to understand the source of a possible fraudulent writ. Given your provided testimony, I, Aleida Farlight of House Lericyro consider this investigation completed." Her voice was precise, formal, and without needless inflection.

"The appropriate documentation will be recorded and the request for inspection subsequently denied as per Fellsgard law. No fine will be levied as the documents were provided in error. Subsequent requests will need to be submitted to the appropriate offices and due consideration will be given to your cooperation in this matter. Do you understand the result of this investigation and your legal options for its contest?" she asked, placing her neatly collected documents into the open face of her leather binder and snapping it closed as she looked Artemis squarely in the eye.
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Re: Investigations of Fraud in Fellsgard

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis felt the devastation deeply as he tried to accept Ksenia's consoling. 'Lied about the source, maybe Kessy can stay out of prison, but- the Hall certainly isn't ours any longer,' he thought darkly as he tried very hard to suppress the itching need to palm one of his throwing daggers. When the inspector spoke, his attention snapped up, his control over the outward appearance of a plain merchant slipping away immediately.

He frowned faintly at her non-answer to Ksenia, preparing himself for the call of the guards and the all too familiar tromp of armored leather boots. 'Can't fight, can't let these people get hurt. Will take the lumps-' he affirmed silently as the Inspector made her decree. He noticed as she spoke, all the humanity gone from her voice as she issued House Lericyro's law, that her eyes weren't simply dark but the purest black.

'Ah- a shifter-' he surmised, and the always present part of his mind devoted to assessing danger adjusted the woman's threat significantly as the itch to be openly armed grew several fold. 'Investigation completed - denied per law - no fine - subsequent requests - contest-' his mind rattled off the Inspector's words, each bouncing through his thoughts as he worked to coalesce them into a complete understanding.

He flinched as the leather binder closed, the sound jerking him from his considerations and tearing his straining ears back from hunting for the scrape of metal and leathers beyond the door. "I- wha- uh- yes. I think I do- we need to- talk to someone- it's going to be expensive-" he answered following a series of rapid blinks. "What- where do I go to talk to someone?" he asked after a moment, licking his lips in an attempt to fight off the bone-dry discomfort he was suddenly aware of.

Ksenia glanced at him, noticing how off-balance he was. “I’m guessing House Lericyro, but is there a specific department or person who we could talk to? Or someone who might be able to point us in the right direction?” She forced her arms not to cross in front of her chest, wanting to look more businesslike and amiable.

“This is - a bit of a shock, but we’d like to get things in order as quickly as we can. Not just for Mister Black and myself, but for the crew as well,” Ksenia continued, with a sad and somewhat ingratiating smile. Swallowing, she gave herself a moment to collect her thoughts and hoped the Inspector could direct them. A wild goose chase through bureaucracy was not something that would bode well for either of them, and the simpler this was handled, the better.
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Re: Investigations of Fraud in Fellsgard

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

Aleida noted the sudden shift of tension in the room as Mister Black's veneer of ease slipped away in light of her words. She readied herself, preparing to hop back from the table and alert her guards if it became necessary. 'People who have lost a livelihood can do foolish things in desperation,' she recalled the advice plainly despite the many years since it had been given.

Thankfully, the Craftmistress shifted the man's focus to who they should speak to. Inspector Farlight felt herself relax minutely, nodding to Ksenia before raising her hand slightly to catch the attention of Artemis. "Mister Black, before I can answer further question unrelated to the investigation, I need you to confirm plainly that you accept the results and understand your legal options for its contest," she reiterated, letting kindness flow into her words and forcing her features to soften fractionally.

Artemis shivered faintly and nodded, placing his palms on the table, "I, Artemis Black, accept the results of this investigation and understand my legal options for contest," he parroted back with a faint expression of confusion.

"Thank you, Mister Black," Aleida said with a small nod. "Now then, Craftmistress Ksenia, if there were a House Lericyro Inspector available, and you were to inform them you required a preliminary inspection in regards to, say, a writ for improvement of foreclosed space for public good, well then, that Inspector would be duty-bound to assist you as they were able in the course of their work for Fellsgard."

Aleida rose from the table, giving them both a polite nod as she returned her chair to place. "As the inspection is complete, I believe I should return to the offices and see to beginning another duty soon," she said dryly and moved to step out of the temporary meeting room in no particular hurry. "I will of course need to speak with my accompaniment about their observations briefly," she added to no one in particular as she passed through the door.
Last edited by The Unreliable Narrator on May 11th, 2021, 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 334
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Re: Investigations of Fraud in Fellsgard

Post by Ksenia »

“This is a bit of a mess,” Ksenia remarked. She gave in to the urge to cross her arms. “Maybe we can convince House Lericyro somehow - what was it, a writ of improvement?” Exhaling deeply, she untangled her arms and slid an arm around his shoulders.

Artemis took the opportunity to squeeze Ksenia in a quick and fierce hug. "Unless I fell off a wagon recently Kessy, which- given how I feel- isn't out of the running, I am pretty sure she wants us to ask her exactly what she just said outside there in front of those armored fellows so she has a bit of deniability," he explained through a soft chuckle as he took liberal advantage of the comfort to feel better.

Trying not to rub her side - which felt like Artemis had bruised her with the strength of his embrace - Ksenia nodded. She patted his far shoulder a bit stiffly. “The neighborhood’s been pretty welcoming. I’d bet my pair of shears that most anyone she or the guards talk to would say we’ve only been good for the area.” Looking over at Artemis, she tilted her head. “Want me to go ask if she can get the ‘preliminary investigation’ started?”

"Ksenia, if I weren't deeply, deeply in love with a very tall Kerasoka who makes me feel amazing, and I didn't think you would hate me forever, I'd probably attempt to smother you in kisses, you beautiful woman. In other words, I think that is a lovely idea- I'm going to uh- go find Dáire and try not to stab anything. Miss Hawkins can probably help the walk around," Artemis offered and stole a much gentler, but no less complete, hug.

Snorting, Ksenia peeled Artemis away from her. “You’re better off with Dáire than me, trust me, and I have no desire to get on his bad side. Don’t go too far, though - I may need your official word on something for the good inspector.” She stretched her neck from side to side and sighed. “And now I see why you named me Craftmistress - so I can handle the bureaucracy while you handle your lover.” Shooting Artemis a wry grin, she headed out of the meeting area.

"I did tell you this, and on my honor I promise to officially handle him-" he murmured and returned the grin before making his retreat just behind her and immediately cutting off towards the more crowded section of the Hall and its comfortable fire.

Heading to the front of the hall, Ksenia spotted the guards and the inspector near the entrance. “Inspector, if you have a moment?” she asked, approaching the group. “Mister Black and I would appreciate your assistance with a preliminary inspection so we can begin working on a writ of improvement - that is, if you have no pressing demands on your time.”
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Re: Investigations of Fraud in Fellsgard

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

Aleida felt the warm comfort of knowing a job was completed as she moved out of the meeting area and indicated to her assigned escorts. The two fell into step with her immediately, very familiar by now with the Inspector's foibles. "I believe we'll be doing a community inspection soon enough, what have you observed thus far, Private Shavez?" she said without looking to either as they moved towards the broad doors of the warehouse.

The mentioned man looked about as the Inspector came to a stop looking out into the courtyard. Scratching at his cheek briefly as he took in the scattered folks talking, eating, and doing simple daily chores, he grunted faintly. "Far cry from a collapsing building, Inspector. Definitely a few folks residing here that probably shouldn't, by the letter. They've got a kitchen going looks like, and are able to serve a good number. Haven't seen money change hands, so either donations or some sort of barter," Shavez said before returning his focus to Aleida.

"Mmm- unfortunate then, we'll need to issue an official closure notice," she noted quietly. "Though I believe that perhaps it will be a matter of the guard simply being too busy before the inspection moves itself along, barring any problems." Private Sanchez nodded, having nothing more to add. 'How things proceed often enough,' Aleida considered silently as she noticed Ksenia approaching with purpose. 'The closure is issued and the people make a show of compliance. The date on the notice comes and goes and no patrol has the time to ensure the notice is being upheld, unless something goes wrong or the property owner causes a ruckus. No property owner here though, and the first time anyone was called was for the inspection,' she finished as the woman came near.

"Ah, I do believe my schedule is free, Craftmistress Ksenia. I will need to speak with various visitors and see the amenities offered and proposed. Please do lead on," Aleida said, opening her leather binder and removing a clean form from one of the pockets.
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Re: Investigations of Fraud in Fellsgard

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis could feel the itch in his bones that was far deeper and stronger than anything his allergy to magic could ever be. It pulsed from his chest, a faint tightness that radiated outward and left tingling pain in his fingers. A feeling reinforced a hundred times by memories of the same sense of helplessness, agitation without outlet, pain without recourse. His jaw ached from clenching silently as he resisted the urge to impose his will on his surroundings, to affect some sort of control.

Finally spotting Dáire's handsome form in the milling crowd of folks pretending to be relaxed - not at all using the Hall as an illegal workplace - Artemis quickened his step and nearly leapt against the back of the Kerasokan. "Melethron- I need you to wipe away my frustrations," he whispered, nuzzling into the man's neck. "I would ask you to just take me here on the table, but that would cause trouble. Could you kiss me instead, until I've forgotten my name for a moment, and then hold me close?" he purred, nipping at Dáire's ear teasingly.

Dáire chuckled, twisting in his seat just enough that his sensitive ear became just out of Artemis’ reach. “Trouble would most certainly follow melethron; the jealousy over my good fortune could surely not be contained within these walls.” He said, grinning over his shoulder at him.

With an unexpected surge of motion that almost caught Artemis off guard, Dáire spun on the bench to face him. In what could have been the same moment, his strong hands shot out, tugging his thief onto his lap and into a fierce, all encompassing embrace. “I think, even such a kiss may be dangerous-” he purred, his hot breath skittering across the young man's neck with every carefully enunciated word. An exaggerated sigh escaped the Kerasokan when he finally drew back, softly resting his brow against Artemis’ “-but for you Melda, I am willing risk their ire.”

Artemis shivered, nuzzling into Dáire's embrace with a sigh of contentment. "I would fight until I could no more to ensure your lips are mine," he mumbled as he weakly kissed the Kerasokan's lips. His recent exhaustion, constantly draining him, prevented a more intense physical reply, though it was clear emotionally he was terribly pleased.
Word count: 387
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