A Dose of Consequence

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Calem Sabathe
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Calem Sabathe »

With the group ready to depart, Calem followed in line with them, his mind racing over the directions he'd been given. To treat so many people would take quite a few of the doctors here, and the day was busy enough here as things were. What kind of miracle did this man expect that they would be able to pull off? 'Well, there's no point in groaning about it. If he's got the paperwork done, we'll have to make it somehow. But without knowing what anyone's suffering, or if anyone even is suffering...a general check-up of such a large amount of people will take at least a few hours...I'll need to make sure that anyone whom follows us brings extra supplies in case...'

Lost in thoughts for a few moments, he suddenly realised one of the travellers had stopped at the reception and barely pulled himself up before walking right into him. The Kerosokan elf - the one who he'd given the petals to earlier - was talking with the receptionist, Elvera about something. It wasn't like Calem to listen to private conversation, but he'd have to talk to Elvera himself in order to organise this tall order, so where could he go?

Elvera did have a habit of getting a little personal at times, but at the same time Calem couldn't help but be taken aback by the elf's rather rude attitude towards her, and actually stepped back from him a little as he heard the ice in his voice, his nerves suddenly getting the better of him. 'What on earth...I know he's heard bad news, but still, this is...!' He couldn't help but shudder a little, let alone how Elvera must have been feeling after that. Calem froze. 'Tell him to apologise. Tell him this isn't her fault. Say something...anything...!'

But he couldn't, and before he could recover himself the elf was suddenly talking to him. Had he seen the frightened look on his face? "N-no, sir, that...I can take...care of things." He managed to stutter out. The elf seemed satisfied with that and headed out. Calem walked up to Elvera, whom to her credit was less shaken than he was. "I'm so sorry, Miss Elvera...he...received some bad news about one of his friends. I know that's no e-excuse, but..." Calem stuttered a little, but Elvera simply held up her hand to stop him.

"It's...it's fine." While she seemed a little dazed, she was still smiling. "Dr. Sabathe, in this job I've heard far worse things from far worse people. You don't need to worry about me! If anything, you're the one who looks pale!"

Calem hesitated. The one thing that he hated about himself was that he'd always hated getting into conflict - he just couldn't stop himself from freezing up, trying to avoid it. If only he had more courage... "I'll...I'll be fine." Calem took in a breath and slowly collected himself. Hopefully the color was returning to his face. "Do you...know him?"

"Dáire?" Elvera nodded. "A little. As blunt as he is, he's not lying. He did help my family out a little while ago - my da was getting harassed by some thug on the road and he stepped in. He's just one of those strong and silent types, y'know?"

"Do you think they can be trusted?"

"Honestly? They're bending the spirit of this work order in ways that would make House Enlann jealous, and in ways that I think could cause trouble, but..." Elvera paused. "I think you can trust them. Just be careful they don't drag you too deep, Doctor - they're the type who'll go places you won't want to follow."

Calem nodded. "Thank you for the advice. So..." He took in another deep breath, exhaled, and then snapped back into doctor mode. "Let's see...there's no way I can do as much as they want by myself. You've got their address? Ideally I'd want to have at least eight other staff coming along, but I know we're on a tight schedule so I'll need at least five if we don't want to be there until the morning. Send who and what you can spare - these people haven't given me any details besides 'people might need a check-up'. I hope we won't have our hands full, but at this point I have no idea."

"Should I make a report to House Enlann? If we're going to move that many resources..."

"...not yet. I know it's a risk but if House Enlann hears I have a suspicion they'll do what they can to block the efforts. We'll have to try and use as little as possible as quickly as possible. If you have to, tell them what you have to, but I'll take responsibility in case anything goes wrong. But if people truly need help out there, we owe it to them as doctors to give them aid."

Elvera chuckled a little. "You know, one of these days that idealism is going to get you in trouble. I'll do what I can. Just be prepared to get less than you want."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Miss Elvera. Thank you for the help!" With a wave to Elvera, Calem walked towards the stables where the rest of the group were waiting. With everyone gathered, it was time to get to work.

"Alright everyone, I've made my preparations, so we can head towards East Hall and--is that a giant moose?"
Word count: 925
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis had been talking to the stablehand with large animated gestures about Sir Francis for several minutes now. It was an odd and interesting topic and the thief felt he needed to keep himself busy while he waited.

He had avoided thinking about exactly why he felt the need to keep busy, but the scent of ointment and itch in the back of his mind still lingered. He answered the latest question, something about mating, with a cheery, "I haven’t the slightest," just as the doctor walked into the stable.

"Oh, good timing, Doctor. I was starting to run out of my very limited knowledge. This is Sir Francis, the noble steed who helps the Hall," Artemis swept his arms out in a bow as if proclaiming the deeds of a great lord.

"Guardian, if you would please," Artemis said, sticking out his arms to Dáire to be lifted onto the mount again. There was a step beside the mount, helpfully provided by the stablehands, that Ksenia had already used.

Artemis grinned broadly as he ignored it completely, clearly pleased with being in Dáire’s arms at any opportunity. "You can put any bags you need here, Doctor," he said as he settled himself in and patted a series of ties and belts behind the saddle.

"We are not going terribly far, but Sir Francis is excellent at clearing the way," Artemis idly pat the moose’s neck before looking around at the others. "Is everyone ready then?" he asked with a look around the group.

"Oh, you’re welcome to visit any time my boy," he added suddenly, looking over at the stablehand who was politely fading into the background. "Thirteen North Rigging, only a few streets over, we’ve got food served by some pretty single women and would gladly trade it for help with the illustrious Sir Francis."

The stablehand nodded vigorously as suddenly several eyes turned his way. Artemis quickly diverted the attention back, not wanting to be terribly rude. "Right then, onward to victory!" he shouted triumphantly and pressed his legs in to urge his mount on.

Sir Francis snorted and dropped his head, slowly moving forward until he reached the broad entrance door. Then he raised his antlers to their full regal height and began a slow walk down the road. The sun was high and the midday wind was brisk. Artemis laughed, feeling as though he was finally getting the best of his worries.
Word count: 414
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

Jacobus wasn’t sure how he felt about the day. Waking up to an attack wasn’t how he ever wanted to spend a morning, but things since then might have been worse. The crew was injured, most of it minor, but their moods had soured. Then the Boss had come in, almost like a regular day, and handed out orders and spoke as if any problems were well on the way to solved.

He liked that about the Boss. The man seemed to know where he was heading and had a way of getting everyone to fall in step and lift together to get there. ‘The regular bedding and good food probably helps,’ Jacobus mused as he decided to shift positions to another patch of barrels.

They were everywhere now, holding vegetables, alcohol, and even some dried meats in one or two. The cook had ordered them when she saw the mass of sailors and was promised each would gladly pay for her high quality food and some drink.

Jacobus sighed, remembering the brief time the Hall had been quiet in the morning once Artemis and his - entourage - left with the Craftmistress. A few of the neighbors had come by to offer worry and any help they could.

Then everything went to chaos when Amalia and that elf had returned, with three whole wagons full of furniture and sailors no less. There had to be near on twenty of them, and they set upon the Hall like builder gnomes.

What had been a broad open space became carefully arranged long tables and worn benches. None of it looked anything less than well worn, but it did the job. Then the sailors, more women than Jacobus expected, set to work at the bunk beds.

They shanghaied a few crew to help build a thin wood wall from scrap and then put together all the bunks in two stacks, even running hammocks between them, before walling off the back of the Hall. They had something approximating sleeping quarters, and Jacobus decided to extend the idea, bringing the bunks from down below up as well.

Hannah spoke to the sailors, but he’d done his duty as foremen to watch them move among the crew belongings regardless. When it was all said and down, the back third of the Hall was a bunkhouse for the sailors and a collection of semi-private bedrooms for the regular crew.

Out in the clear space, ten tables were spread out, five long with benches, another five round with a wild mismatch of stools and seats. Around the edges of the Hall, in some sort of order he didn’t understand, barrels and boxes of supplies were carefully stacked and a cooking station was setup.

The sailors had settled in like barnacles, taking seats, gambling, eating, and even a shift of them sleeping. Apparently it was decided they would run a rotating watch in exchange for the beds and the promise of being served by the cute local girls.

Hannah seemed to be in charge of them, or at least she’d whalloped the first one to try and get handsy. There hadn’t been any trouble afterwards, and the fool had even apologized and looked like he’d meant it.

Seeing the sudden mass of visitors, many of the neighbors had come out and eventually some of the more musically inclined had figured out they could earn a few coins keeping the sailors singing and stamping their feet. For now though, they seem to be on break and only the constant rumble of low chatter filled the high roofed Hall.
Word count: 606
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia had followed Artemis out of the healer’s hall to the stables, her ribs aching from the force of his hug. She felt a bit light-headed still, but even the weak sunlight and open space helped. Once they seemed about to depart, she’d used the mounting block the stablehand had provided, preferring not to be touched unnecessarily, even by Jourin.

Artemis had accepted a lift from Daire, seeming reluctant to break the embrace even to steer Sir Francis, who strode down the streets as if they were his by right. Swaying gently with the massive animal’s gait, she’d been lulled into an almost drowsy relaxation. As they turned the corner onto North Rigging, she heard music and the hum of many people talking. “Did you plan a market or something?” she asked Artemis.

Approaching the hall, she saw a number of people running in and out, a group that looked to be musicians, Lena’s tables being filled and emptied by a number of the neighborhood ladies, and several who looked to have the salt of the sea still on them. She stared. Artemis’ plans had included festivals for the community but this had clearly sprung up since they’d left.

Sir Francis ambled into the yard, letting loose a bellow and a few grumbles. Jacobus had started heading their way and she hoped he had some explanation for what all this excitement was. Once they were in the stable, she glanced around, seeing the construction that had taken place. ‘Amazing, really, what the crew could do,’ she thought. She was looking forward to having her own space - preferably with a locked door or two between her and the outside world. Hannah had come behind Jacobus and they both approached Artemis while she shook the hay from her clothes.
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Dáire »

Dáire’s eyes widened as they strode back into the vast warehouse, the wide open space that had been quiet and peaceful when they left was now like a bee hive. People were everywhere, loitering along the edges and flooding the benches and tables that now occupied the space. He estimated the number of people present had easily doubled, if not tripled in the time they’d been away. He scanned the area curiously, taking in the assortment of humans in the varying sizes, builds and ages that appeared to be of the sailor variety. ‘Right rowdy bunch’ he thought to himself as the loud thrum of voices echoed off the walls and vast ceiling.

Making himself appear as unmemorable as possible, he quietly followed the moose and his entourage towards the large straw strewn stable. Turning to smile wryly up at Artemis, his arms outstretched as the great creature slowed to a stop near the door. It was a tad pre-emptive perhaps, but he didn't think much more about it.

Having slid the saddle from the moose's back and saving those much smaller around him struggling with the task, Dáire stepped silently to the side and watched the bulky foreman approach with the other elf in tow, their focus on Artemis. Dáire was an outsider here and he was well aware of that fact, his only connection to this crowd he had was a night in the sheets and one tricky contract completed with their boss. Although, the crafty human did seem content to keep him around. He snorted to himself, ‘My sunny disposition hasn’t rained on their parade just yet.’ The voice running through his head laced with sarcasm as usual.

Dáire let his attention drift away from the new pair, taking in the expansive building work that had gone on in the brief hours they’d been away. It wasn't the prettiest of work, but it was functional and a testament to just how well humans could work together when they cared to. With one last glance over his shoulder to Artemis and the rest of his friends, Dáire moved off, intending to take in the changes made to the hall.
Word count: 370
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Artemis Black
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis wasn’t quite sure what he was supposed to say to Ksenia’s question. The ride back in the sun had mixed with the salve and the exhaustion of the days to lull him into a daze. He heard all the clatter and noise, even saw the droves of people, but all he could manage to think was that he wanted to sleep.

Then he noticed Daire’s arms and immediately his features filled with a stupid grin. He held out his own arms and practically fell into the man’s grasp. Then he stood there, watching Dáire work at Sir Francis’ tack.

“Heya, Boss,” Jacobus said, and Artemis started and turned to look at the foreman. Jacobus was flanked by Hannah and Amalia as well as a larger woman the thief didn’t recognize.

“Afternoon, Foreman,” Artemis responded, and then held his hand up to gesture at the milling crowds. “I assume you’re catching me to bring me up to speed?” he asked with a raise of his brow.

“Ah-” Jacobus started.

“My fault, Boss,” Hannah interrupted smoothly. “Went and stopped by a few haunts I knew looking for reliable folks wasting their coin. Got a count, bought the gear you suggested, and brought them back here. They’re running rotating watch, gentler than shipside, and pay for their food and drink.” She explained all of this sharply and professionally, as if a boatswain speaking to a captain.

Artemis felt a sudden rush of energy rattle his flagging mind and he stood a bit straighter as Hannah finished. “Sounds like you’ve done excellent work. Make sure Miss Hawkins isn’t overwhelmed, and did all the crew beds come up too? Looks like you turned the bath into a real thing,” Artemis said as his eyes took in the scene more completely.

Jacobus nodded and retook prominence, “Yes, had the crew move everything upstairs, get a semblance of private rooms for everyone, Craftmistress included, and made sure everything is sturdy enough to last a while.” The man also sounded a touch more professional, Hannah's manner influencing them all. Artemis offered him a grin and then turned to the Doctor.

“Doctor, please work with Foreman Jacobus here. The sailors are not part of the Hall, and so please don’t worry over them unless you’re accepting side payments. If you need me, I’m going to go get something to eat.” Artemis nodded to everyone, and then looked around to spot Jourin and Dáire. Once he had them, he walked up to Dáire and waited to drag his lover off to eat.
Word count: 438
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Calem Sabathe
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Calem Sabathe »

It was strange seeing things from atop a giant moose. Then again, it was strange seeing things from atop any kind of mount at all. For the most part, Calem had always walked to wherever he'd wanted to go - truth be told, even though he knew he'd have to spend money for a horse or some other mount at some point - there was no way he could walk everywhere if he was to travel the world - he'd never had the money or inclination to do so. He actually quite enjoyed walking and exploring the city of Fellsgard, even if he had accidentally ended up in a few place he wasn't really supposed to be in his youth. Looking back on those years, he was kinda lucky in hindsight that most people figured he was accidentally there rather than some kind of spy...

But that was besides the point. What was the point was that Calem was on top of a giant moose, not paying attention to those he was riding with as he observed the world. While Calem had always enjoyed exploring Fellsgard, there were plenty of places that he hadn't explored yet, and he couldn't help but feel a slight tinge of anticipation as he watched the world around him. What would this strange place be like...?

As they got closer, Calem couldn't help but be confused a bit at first. This looked to be getting very close to the center of Fellsgard, yet nothing seemed to be particularly out of place. There weren't as many people around in this area on the edge of the East and South districts - at least that he knew of - but as far as he'd known the area was just a bunch of old warehouses. He'd been in the area a couple of times, but hadn't seen much of interest. But as he took a look down at the driver, Artemis certainly seemed to know where he was going. Apparently there were far more secrets in Fellsgard than he'd been led to believe...

As they arrived, Calem couldn't help but be taken aback - the amount of buzzing activity in front of one of the warehouses was incredible. He peered over towards the workspace where everybody was setting up, and there was such a rush of people - he'd of course seen places busy as this before, but in an area he thought was all but abandoned... 'If this is supposed to be hidden, it's hard for me to imagine how...what else is Fellsgard hiding?'

Before long, the great mount came to a stop. As everybody else hopped off, so did Calem, but he started to worry as he looked over the many people around. 'How on earth am I going to deal with this many people...? I knew Elvera was going to help re-direct a few but at this rate...!' It was almost an inspiration to him when Artemis - at first almost sedate up until now in his lover's arms - suddenly seemed to jolt back to life and started giving out commands like a professional. It took a second to realise that Artemis was speaking to him and leaving him in the hands of one Foreman Jacobus. "Oh yes, I--" he'd barely started before Artemis had walked off. He didn't really have the time to see where before he was suddenly dragged into conversation.

He looked at the foreman, a little bit overwhelmed, before he coughed, adjusted his glasses and stood up straight. "Ah, my apologies sir. Good afternoon, master Jacobus, my name is Doctor Calem Sabathe, representing The Grace of Cecilia Healer’s Hall." He started, looking around the area. It was partially to distract himself from the large crowd, but also to get a sense of what he would need. 'Elvira isn't going to be able to drag nearly as many doctors as would be preferable out here...this is going to cause problems.'

He turned back to the foreman, taking a breath and going over the steps in his head. "I apologise, but there's...some vagueness in the work order that Master Black provided. How many people are you going to need looked at?" Calem glanced around again. "For that matter, do you have a particular area that we can start treatment in? If not, I should be able to make some of this area a field hospital, but I'll need some spare sheets..."

Calem suddenly stopped and shook his head slightly, before looking back up at the foreman. "Ah, forgive me, I'm getting ahead of myself. Is there anything you need me to know before we get started, or something you'd like to ask of me, sir?"
Word count: 790
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Jourin Argall »

Everyone found their mounts or marching orders and started on the return trek to Black's Hall. Jourin took up her silent vigil once more, mirroring Dáire's position on the opposite side of Sir Francis. She disturbed nothing and no-one -- no-one except for those among the unwashed masses who braved a glance at her face and were at once repelled by an expression of granite and steel.

Much had changed at Hall in the short while their small party left that morning. The yard teemed with activity, near to overflowing with bodies moving this way and that way in accordance with whatever task they had been assigned to do. Jourin took it all in with a kind of wariness. Unfamiliar with this group as she was, she wouldn't have known this was unexpected until anyone said otherwise.

Jourin was there, just behind Artemis, when Jacobus approached with a woman on either side like shapely bookends. She observed them from over Artemis' head, her manner watchful but not precisely threatening. Supposedly these were his people; they should be trustworthy. Until Jourin could be one-hundred percent certain, she wouldn't relax her guard completely.

Soon they were dismissed, or at least left to go about their business. Jourin's gaze trailed after Artemis who, like an iron filing to a magnet, drifted to the elf. She waited a moment, considering. Turning away, she approached Jacobus, Hannah and Amalia, determined to put herself to good use elsewhere.

"Put me to work," she said, a little tonelessly. "I have some skill with a hammer. Not much. I am strong."

With this glowing assessment of her own capabilities complete, she stood and waited for her orders.
Word count: 280
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

Jacobus had been just starting to explain to Calem the organization of the hall when Jourin approached. He flinched slightly at her words, still entirely unused to the woman. “Ah, Jourin, excellent. Always need more hands. I was telling the Doctor here, we can set him up near the bath, get some walls made and boiled water to clean one of the stone cook surfaces.”

The foreman laughed softly, looking to those around him. “Biggest thing is, we’ll have a workspace, and a small changing area beside, and then the bath with fresh water as you need it,” he said with his hands held out just a touch. “Do you need anything else from us for now Doctor? We’ll get the people organized how you need once you’re ready too.”
Word count: 133
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Calem Sabathe
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Calem Sabathe »

Calem had taken out his notepad, carefully writing down the instructions and making a plan of as much of East Hall as he was telling him. In his discussions with the foreman, taking his time he could figure out the best way to get the doctors enough area to work with here. There was actually quite a surprising amount of area, so being able to set up a group of small 'tents' for field work would be possible. It wouldn't be as clean as the healer's hall, but either Artemis had already prepared for that ahead of time or he was expecting something that, quite frankly, would have cost a lot more.

Jacobus was surprisingly quick to get organised - perhaps he'd gone through a situation not unlike this before? Or maybe he knew how to get down to brass tacks when the need arose, as it were. It would have been rude to ask either way, but he was glad to have Jacobus helping him with the finer details of organising. Though when he turned around to suddenly just see Jourin standing there again, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous again. Not that she really seemed to care much of Calem's existence, so it wasn't like things would be a problem, but with all the sharp implements around here he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. Still, she wanted to help, so Calem decided to speak up. "Well...I mean, if you're good with a hammer...would you be able to set up some large tents? Just for those that may want a bit more privacy - unless of course Master Jacobus has something he needs you to do more!"

With that, he turned back to Jacobus. "No, I shouldn't need anything else. There'll be a few other doctors along in a few moments and then we can get started. Just keep in mind that this might be one of the few chances we have to do something like this here, so if anyone in the area wants to get a check-up, I would recommend that they take the opportunity while they can." Calem explained. "If there isn't anything else, Master Jacobus, I'll keep an eye out for the rest of the doctors while the grounds get set up..." Calem nodded, excusing himself from the situation and tried to make sure that he wasn't getting in anyone's way.

It wasn't long before a horse-drawn cart rolled up in the distance, dressed in the typical hospital whites. Calem grimaced - how on earth was he going to explain this...?


"Oh, you've got to be kidding." Leon grinned. "Really? How did you even get Elvera convinced that this was a good idea? The boss is going to be furious, and I can't wait to see the fireworks!"

Surrounded by another four doctors all looking at him, Calem was already feeling downcast. It was, alas, well-known among The Grace of Cecilia's Healer's Hall that Dr. Sabathe was the one with the softest heart. "I have no idea, Leon! All I know for sure is that the work order asked for something like this, and that's what we've got to do here." Even as he said it, Calem was well aware that any of these others might have been sterner with Artemis or at least called him out on the purpose of his work order. It didn't help the matter, but they were all here now.

"Well, you'd better hope Elvera kept a good copy of that receipt or it's your job on the line. Seriously, this looks like a fun time, but let's hope our own hall doesn't get too stressed while we're gone. This Artemis guy had better be convincing as sin." Leon noted, looking around. Calem worried about him - he'd always been a smart-ass, though at least when his mind was on his job his skill matched his ego. "Though I suppose judging by how many people are around here, that's not far off the mark. Can't wait to meet him myself."

"Indeed, I'm looking forward to hearing some of the stories around here. Been a while since I visited the East District. It'll be nice to hear some of the old stories again." Tobias was one of the older doctors, around his late 40s, and Calem wondered if he hadn't met some of the men here at some point in his youth. Tobias was talking quite pleasantly, but it was easy to notice that the doctor was rather distracted, looking around for something. "And I could have sworn for once...Anna? Have you seen my bag…?"

It wasn't long before another young lady stepped out from behind him, holding out his bag. "Here you are, doctor! You left it on the cart again." If it weren't for Anna, Tobias might well have forgotten his head when he went off into his own little world. She was only a few years older than Calem - technically she was Tobias' aide, but she'd been rapidly proving herself as a skilled doctor in her own right - Calem wondered if the old doctor was giving her a chance to try spreading her wings here, as it were. Well, what she lacked in experience she made up for in her friendliness and curiosity. As soon as she'd handed Tobias the bag, which he received with a nod, Anna looked around the outside of the hall, curious at the people going to and fro. "I'd heard rumours, but I didn't think this place actually existed..."

"Another puzzle of Fellsgard for you to solve, Anna? Haven't you gotten them all figured out by now?" Leon asked her, raising an eyebrow. It was true, Anna was studious and had a hobby of trying to find all the hidden places in Fellsgard. She was the one who seemed to know who to talk to, where something was if you need it, and she seemed to have a near photographic memory of the city. She'd never really contracted any kind of wanderlust though - Calem found it a bit surprising, but he supposed she'd found the city enough of a home.

"Well..I have to admit, you've not done too bad, all things considered. Listening to this idea was stupid, but at least you've made the best of the situation and gotten things ready." Calem cringed at the criticising voice, even if it was nice for her to be somewhat complimentary in her bluntness. Opal was an older nurse - and from what the rumours had told, she'd seen everything there was to see. What she was doing here, Calem wasn't sure - maybe she'd just wanted to get away from the hospital for a change. She looked over the grounds, analysing the small crowd of people looking back at them. Her beady eyes moved back and forth, sweeping the area to see what she'd have to sort out. "So, there's about 40 people here. Should keep us busy for the afternoon."

If nothing else, it would be an interesting afternoon. "Well…look, keeping things in mind, that's about 8 people for each of us, right? I've been talking with the foreman and it doesn't seem like there's any serious injuries. If anything, it's more a check-up. Artemis was warning the sailors might be interested in getting check-ups as well, though I'll leave that to your own discretions. Though lord knows it's going to be hard to convince the head doctor this is all a good idea…"

With the hospital areas slowly organising, the doctor slowly organised themselves, into separate corners, preparing their tools and the areas around them. For Calem, it brought back old memories of working at the chantry - though granted, that wasn't usually with people that could bench press him. All that was left to do was work on helping as many as he could...
Word count: 1314
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